import {GameManager, gameManager, HasMovedEvent} from "./GameManager"; import { GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface, MessageUserMovedInterface, MessageUserPositionInterface, PointInterface, PositionInterface } from "../../Connection"; import {CurrentGamerInterface, GamerInterface, hasMovedEventName, Player} from "../Player/Player"; import { DEBUG_MODE, ZOOM_LEVEL} from "../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; import {ITiledMap, ITiledMapLayer, ITiledTileSet} from "../Map/ITiledMap"; import {PLAYER_RESOURCES} from "../Entity/PlayableCaracter"; import Texture = Phaser.Textures.Texture; import Sprite = Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; import CanvasTexture = Phaser.Textures.CanvasTexture; import {AddPlayerInterface} from "./AddPlayerInterface"; import {PlayerAnimationNames} from "../Player/Animation"; export enum Textures { Player = "male1" } interface GameSceneInitInterface { initPosition: PointInterface|null } export class GameScene extends Phaser.Scene { GameManager : GameManager; Terrains : Array; CurrentPlayer: CurrentGamerInterface; MapPlayers : Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Group; MapPlayersByKey : Map = new Map(); Map: Phaser.Tilemaps.Tilemap; Layers : Array; Objects : Array; map: ITiledMap; groups: Map; startX = 704;// 22 case startY = 32; // 1 case circleTexture: CanvasTexture; initPosition: PositionInterface; MapKey: string; MapUrlFile: string; RoomId: string; instance: string; PositionNextScene: Array = new Array(); static createFromUrl(mapUrlFile: string, instance: string): GameScene { let key = GameScene.getMapKeyByUrl(mapUrlFile); return new GameScene(key, mapUrlFile, instance); } constructor(MapKey : string, MapUrlFile: string, instance: string) { super({ key: MapKey }); this.GameManager = gameManager; this.Terrains = []; this.groups = new Map(); this.instance = instance; this.MapKey = MapKey; this.MapUrlFile = MapUrlFile; this.RoomId = this.instance + '__' + this.MapKey; } //hook preload scene preload(): void { this.GameManager.setCurrentGameScene(this); this.load.on('filecomplete-tilemapJSON-'+this.MapKey, (key: string, type: string, data: any) => { // Triggered when the map is loaded // Load tiles attached to the map recursively =; let url = this.MapUrlFile.substr(0, this.MapUrlFile.lastIndexOf('/')); => { if (typeof === 'undefined' || typeof tileset.image === 'undefined') { console.warn("Don't know how to handle tileset ", tileset) return; } //TODO strategy to add access token this.load.image(, `${url}/${tileset.image}`); }) }); //TODO strategy to add access token this.load.tilemapTiledJSON(this.MapKey, this.MapUrlFile); //add player png PLAYER_RESOURCES.forEach((playerResource: any) => { this.load.spritesheet(, playerResource.img, {frameWidth: 32, frameHeight: 32} ); }); this.load.bitmapFont('main_font', 'resources/fonts/arcade.png', 'resources/fonts/arcade.xml'); } //hook initialisation init(initData : GameSceneInitInterface) { this.initPosition = initData.initPosition; } //hook create scene create(): void { //initalise map this.Map = this.add.tilemap(this.MapKey); ITiledTileSet) => { this.Terrains.push(this.Map.addTilesetImage(,; }); //permit to set bound collision,0, this.Map.widthInPixels, this.Map.heightInPixels); //add layer on map this.Layers = new Array(); let depth = -2; : ITiledMapLayer) => { if (layer.type === 'tilelayer') { this.addLayer(this.Map.createStaticLayer(, this.Terrains, 0, 0).setDepth(depth)); } if (layer.type === 'tilelayer' && this.getExitSceneUrl(layer) !== undefined) { this.loadNextGame(layer,,,; } if (layer.type === 'tilelayer' && === "start") { this.startUser(layer); } if (layer.type === 'objectgroup' && === 'floorLayer') { depth = 10000; } }); if (depth === -2) { throw new Error('Your map MUST contain a layer of type "objectgroup" whose name is "floorLayer" that represents the layer characters are drawn at.'); } //add entities this.Objects = new Array(); //init event click this.EventToClickOnTile(); //initialise list of other player this.MapPlayers ={ immovable: true }); //notify game manager can to create currentUser in map this.createCurrentPlayer(); //initialise camera this.initCamera(); // Let's generate the circle for the group delimiter let circleElement = Object.values(this.textures.list).find((object: Texture) => object.key === 'circleSprite'); if(circleElement) { this.textures.remove('circleSprite'); } this.circleTexture = this.textures.createCanvas('circleSprite', 96, 96); let context = this.circleTexture.context; context.beginPath(); context.arc(48, 48, 48, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); // context.lineWidth = 5; context.strokeStyle = '#ffffff'; context.stroke(); this.circleTexture.refresh(); // Let's alter browser history let url = new URL(this.MapUrlFile); let path = '/_/'+this.instance+'/'; if (url.hash) { // FIXME: entry should be dictated by a property passed to init() path += '#'+url.hash; } window.history.pushState({}, null, path); } private getExitSceneUrl(layer: ITiledMapLayer): string|undefined { let properties : any =; if (!properties) { return undefined; } let obj = properties.find((property:any) => === "exitSceneUrl"); if (obj === undefined) { return undefined; } return obj.value; } private getExitSceneInstance(layer: ITiledMapLayer): string|undefined { let properties : any =; if (!properties) { return undefined; } let obj = properties.find((property:any) => === "exitInstance"); if (obj === undefined) { return undefined; } return obj.value; } /** * * @param layer * @param mapWidth * @param tileWidth * @param tileHeight */ private loadNextGame(layer: ITiledMapLayer, mapWidth: number, tileWidth: number, tileHeight: number){ let exitSceneUrl = this.getExitSceneUrl(layer); let instance = this.getExitSceneInstance(layer); if (instance === undefined) { instance = this.instance; } // TODO: eventually compute a relative URL let absoluteExitSceneUrl = new URL(exitSceneUrl, this.MapUrlFile).href; let exitSceneKey = gameManager.loadMap(absoluteExitSceneUrl, this.scene, instance); let tiles : any =; tiles.forEach((objectKey : number, key: number) => { if(objectKey === 0){ return; } //key + 1 because the start x = 0; let y : number = parseInt(((key + 1) / mapWidth).toString()); let x : number = key - (y * mapWidth); //push and save switching case // TODO: this is not efficient. We should refactor that to enable a search by key. For instance: this.PositionNextScene[y][x] = exitSceneKey this.PositionNextScene.push({ xStart: (x * tileWidth), yStart: (y * tileWidth), xEnd: ((x +1) * tileHeight), yEnd: ((y + 1) * tileHeight), key: exitSceneKey }) }); } /** * @param layer */ private startUser(layer: ITiledMapLayer): void { if (this.initPosition !== undefined) { this.startX = this.initPosition.x; this.startY = this.initPosition.y; return; } let tiles : any =; tiles.forEach((objectKey : number, key: number) => { if(objectKey === 0){ return; } let y = Math.floor(key / layer.width); let x = key % layer.width; this.startX = (x * 32); this.startY = (y * 32); }); } //todo: in a dedicated class/function? initCamera() { this.cameras.main.setBounds(0,0, this.Map.widthInPixels, this.Map.heightInPixels); this.cameras.main.startFollow(this.CurrentPlayer); this.cameras.main.setZoom(ZOOM_LEVEL); } addLayer(Layer : Phaser.Tilemaps.StaticTilemapLayer){ this.Layers.push(Layer); } createCollisionWithPlayer() { //add collision layer this.Layers.forEach((Layer: Phaser.Tilemaps.StaticTilemapLayer) => { this.physics.add.collider(this.CurrentPlayer, Layer, (object1: any, object2: any) => { //this.CurrentPlayer.say("Collision with layer : "+ (object2 as Tile) }); Layer.setCollisionByProperty({collides: true}); if (DEBUG_MODE) { //debug code to see the collision hitbox of the object in the top layer Layer.renderDebug(, { tileColor: null, //non-colliding tiles collidingTileColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(243, 134, 48, 200), // Colliding tiles, faceColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(40, 39, 37, 255) // Colliding face edges }); } }); } createCollisionObject(){ this.Objects.forEach((Object : Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite) => { this.physics.add.collider(this.CurrentPlayer, Object, (object1: any, object2: any) => { //this.CurrentPlayer.say("Collision with object : " + (object2 as Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite).texture.key) }); }) } createCurrentPlayer(){ //initialise player //TODO create animation moving between exit and start this.CurrentPlayer = new Player( null, // The current player is not has no id (because the id can change if connection is lost and we should check that id using the GameManager. this, this.startX, this.startY, this.GameManager.getPlayerName(), this.GameManager.getCharacterSelected(), PlayerAnimationNames.WalkDown, false ); //create collision this.createCollisionWithPlayer(); this.createCollisionObject(); //join room this.GameManager.joinRoom(this.RoomId, this.startX, this.startY, PlayerAnimationNames.WalkDown, false); //listen event to share position of user this.CurrentPlayer.on(hasMovedEventName, this.pushPlayerPosition.bind(this)) } pushPlayerPosition(event: HasMovedEvent) { this.GameManager.pushPlayerPosition(event); } EventToClickOnTile(){ // debug code to get a tile properties by clicking on it this.input.on("pointerdown", (pointer: Phaser.Input.Pointer)=>{ //pixel position toz tile position let tile = this.Map.getTileAt(this.Map.worldToTileX(pointer.worldX), this.Map.worldToTileY(pointer.worldY)); if(tile){ this.CurrentPlayer.say("Your touch " +; } }); } /** * @param time * @param delta The delta time in ms since the last frame. This is a smoothed and capped value based on the FPS rate. */ update(time: number, delta: number) : void { this.CurrentPlayer.moveUser(delta); let nextSceneKey = this.checkToExit(); if(nextSceneKey){ this.scene.start(nextSceneKey.key); } } /** * */ checkToExit(){ if(this.PositionNextScene.length === 0){ return null; } return this.PositionNextScene.find((position : any) => { return position.xStart <= this.CurrentPlayer.x && this.CurrentPlayer.x <= position.xEnd && position.yStart <= this.CurrentPlayer.y && this.CurrentPlayer.y <= position.yEnd }) } public initUsersPosition(usersPosition: MessageUserPositionInterface[]): void { if(!this.CurrentPlayer){ console.error('Cannot initiate users list because map is not loaded yet') return; } let currentPlayerId = this.GameManager.getPlayerId(); // clean map this.MapPlayersByKey.forEach((player: GamerInterface) => { player.destroy(); this.MapPlayers.remove(player); }); this.MapPlayersByKey = new Map(); // load map usersPosition.forEach((userPosition : MessageUserPositionInterface) => { if(userPosition.userId === currentPlayerId){ return; } this.addPlayer(userPosition); }); } private findPlayerInMap(UserId : string) : GamerInterface | null{ return this.MapPlayersByKey.get(UserId); /*let player = this.MapPlayers.getChildren().find((player: Player) => UserId === player.userId); if(!player){ return null; } return (player as GamerInterface);*/ } /** * Create new player */ public addPlayer(addPlayerData : AddPlayerInterface) : void{ //check if exist player, if exist, move position if(this.MapPlayersByKey.has(addPlayerData.userId)){ this.updatePlayerPosition({ userId: addPlayerData.userId, position: addPlayerData.position }); return; } //initialise player let player = new Player( addPlayerData.userId, this, addPlayerData.position.x, addPlayerData.position.y,, addPlayerData.character, addPlayerData.position.direction, addPlayerData.position.moving ); this.MapPlayers.add(player); this.MapPlayersByKey.set(player.userId, player); player.updatePosition(addPlayerData.position); //init collision /*this.physics.add.collider(this.CurrentPlayer, player, (CurrentPlayer: CurrentGamerInterface, MapPlayer: GamerInterface) => { CurrentPlayer.say("Hello, how are you ? "); });*/ } public removePlayer(userId: string) { console.log('Removing player ', userId) let player = this.MapPlayersByKey.get(userId); if (player === undefined) { console.error('Cannot find user with id ', userId); } player.destroy(); this.MapPlayers.remove(player); this.MapPlayersByKey.delete(userId); } updatePlayerPosition(message: MessageUserMovedInterface): void { let player : GamerInterface | undefined = this.MapPlayersByKey.get(message.userId); if (player === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot find player with ID "' + message.userId +'"'); } player.updatePosition(message.position); } shareGroupPosition(groupPositionMessage: GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface) { let groupId = groupPositionMessage.groupId; if (this.groups.has(groupId)) { this.groups.get(groupId).setPosition(Math.round(groupPositionMessage.position.x), Math.round(groupPositionMessage.position.y)); } else { // TODO: circle radius should not be hard stored let sprite = new Sprite( this, Math.round(groupPositionMessage.position.x), Math.round(groupPositionMessage.position.y), 'circleSprite'); sprite.setDisplayOrigin(48, 48); this.add.existing(sprite); this.groups.set(groupId, sprite); } } deleteGroup(groupId: string): void { if(!this.groups.get(groupId)){ return; } this.groups.get(groupId).destroy(); this.groups.delete(groupId); } public static getMapKeyByUrl(mapUrlStart: string) : string { // FIXME: the key should be computed from the full URL of the map. let startPos = mapUrlStart.indexOf('://')+3; let endPos = mapUrlStart.indexOf(".json"); return mapUrlStart.substring(startPos, endPos); let tab = mapUrlStart.split("/"); return tab[tab.length -1].substr(0, tab[tab.length -1].indexOf(".json")); } }