import { Observable, Subject } from "rxjs"; import { EnterLeaveEvent, isEnterLeaveEvent } from "../Events/EnterLeaveEvent"; import { IframeApiContribution, queryWorkadventure, sendToWorkadventure } from "./IframeApiContribution"; import { apiCallback } from "./registeredCallbacks"; import { isSetVariableEvent, SetVariableEvent } from "../Events/SetVariableEvent"; import type { ITiledMap } from "../../Phaser/Map/ITiledMap"; export class WorkadventureStateCommands extends IframeApiContribution { private setVariableResolvers = new Subject(); private variables = new Map(); private variableSubscribers = new Map>(); constructor(private target: "global" | "player") { super(); this.setVariableResolvers.subscribe((event) => { const oldValue = this.variables.get(event.key); // If we are setting the same value, no need to do anything. // No need to do this check since it is already performed in SharedVariablesManager /*if (JSON.stringify(oldValue) === JSON.stringify(event.value)) { return; }*/ this.variables.set(event.key, event.value); const subject = this.variableSubscribers.get(event.key); if (subject !== undefined) {; } }); } callbacks = [ apiCallback({ type: "setVariable", typeChecker: isSetVariableEvent, callback: (payloadData) => { if ( === {; } }, }), ]; // TODO: see how we can remove this method from types exposed to WA.state object initVariables(_variables: Map): void { for (const [name, value] of _variables.entries()) { // In case the user already decided to put values in the variables (before onInit), let's make sure onInit does not override this. if (!this.variables.has(name)) { this.variables.set(name, value); } } } saveVariable(key: string, value: unknown): Promise { this.variables.set(key, value); return queryWorkadventure({ type: "setVariable", data: { key, value, target:, }, }); } loadVariable(key: string): unknown { return this.variables.get(key); } hasVariable(key: string): boolean { return this.variables.has(key); } onVariableChange(key: string): Observable { let subject = this.variableSubscribers.get(key); if (subject === undefined) { subject = new Subject(); this.variableSubscribers.set(key, subject); } return subject.asObservable(); } } export function createState(target: "global" | "player"): WorkadventureStateCommands & { [key: string]: unknown } { return new Proxy(new WorkadventureStateCommands(target), { get(target: WorkadventureStateCommands, p: PropertyKey, receiver: unknown): unknown { if (p in target) { return Reflect.get(target, p, receiver); } return target.loadVariable(p.toString()); }, set(target: WorkadventureStateCommands, p: PropertyKey, value: unknown, receiver: unknown): boolean { // Note: when using "set", there is no way to wait, so we ignore the return of the promise. // User must use WA.state.saveVariable to have error message. target.saveVariable(p.toString(), value).catch(e => console.error(e)); return true; }, has(target: WorkadventureStateCommands, p: PropertyKey): boolean { if (p in target) { return true; } return target.hasVariable(p.toString()); }, }) as WorkadventureStateCommands & { [key: string]: unknown }; }