import axios from "axios"; import * as rax from "retry-axios"; import { errorStore } from "../Stores/ErrorStore"; /** * This instance of Axios will retry in case of an issue and display an error message as a HTML overlay. */ export const axiosWithRetry = axios.create(); axiosWithRetry.defaults.raxConfig = { instance: axiosWithRetry, retry: Infinity, noResponseRetries: Infinity, maxRetryAfter: 60_000, // You can detect when a retry is happening, and figure out how many // retry attempts have been made onRetryAttempt: (err) => { const cfg = rax.getConfig(err); console.log(err); console.log(cfg); console.log(`Retry attempt #${cfg?.currentRetryAttempt} on URL '${err.config.url}'`); errorStore.addErrorMessage("Unable to connect to WorkAdventure. Are you connected to internet?", { closable: false, id: "axios_retry", }); }, }; axiosWithRetry.interceptors.response.use((res) => { if (res.status < 400) { errorStore.clearMessageById("axios_retry"); } return res; }); const interceptorId = rax.attach(axiosWithRetry);