import type { GameScene } from "../Game/GameScene"; import type { PointInterface } from "../../Connexion/ConnexionModels"; import { Character } from "../Entity/Character"; import type { PlayerAnimationDirections } from "../Player/Animation"; import { requestVisitCardsStore, requestActionsMenuStore } from "../../Stores/GameStore"; /** * Class representing the sprite of a remote player (a player that plays on another computer) */ export class RemotePlayer extends Character { userId: number; private visitCardUrl: string | null; constructor( userId: number, Scene: GameScene, x: number, y: number, name: string, texturesPromise: Promise, direction: PlayerAnimationDirections, moving: boolean, visitCardUrl: string | null, companion: string | null, companionTexturePromise?: Promise ) { super( Scene, x, y, texturesPromise, name, direction, moving, 1, !!visitCardUrl, companion, companionTexturePromise ); //set data this.userId = userId; this.visitCardUrl = visitCardUrl; this.on("pointerdown", (event: Phaser.Input.Pointer) => { if (event.downElement.nodeName === "CANVAS") { // requestVisitCardsStore.set(this.visitCardUrl); requestActionsMenuStore.set(true); } }); } updatePosition(position: PointInterface): void { this.playAnimation(position.direction as PlayerAnimationDirections, position.moving); this.setX(position.x); this.setY(position.y); this.setDepth(position.y); //this is to make sure the perspective (player models closer the bottom of the screen will appear in front of models nearer the top of the screen). if (this.companion) { this.companion.setTarget(position.x, position.y, position.direction as PlayerAnimationDirections); } } }