import {derived, get, Readable, readable, writable, Writable} from "svelte/store"; import {peerStore} from "./PeerStore"; import {localUserStore} from "../Connexion/LocalUserStore"; import {ITiledMapGroupLayer, ITiledMapObjectLayer, ITiledMapTileLayer} from "../Phaser/Map/ITiledMap"; import {userMovingStore} from "./GameStore"; import {HtmlUtils} from "../WebRtc/HtmlUtils"; import { audioConstraintStore, cameraEnergySavingStore, enableCameraSceneVisibilityStore, gameOverlayVisibilityStore, LocalStreamStoreValue, privacyShutdownStore, requestedCameraState, requestedMicrophoneState, videoConstraintStore } from "./MediaStore"; declare const navigator:any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any /** * A store that contains the camera state requested by the user (on or off). */ function createRequestedScreenSharingState() { const { subscribe, set, update } = writable(false); return { subscribe, enableScreenSharing: () => set(true), disableScreenSharing: () => set(false), }; } export const requestedScreenSharingState = createRequestedScreenSharingState(); let currentStream : MediaStream|null = null; /** * Stops the camera from filming */ function stopScreenSharing(): void { if (currentStream) { for (const track of currentStream.getVideoTracks()) { track.stop(); } } currentStream = null; } let previousComputedVideoConstraint: boolean|MediaTrackConstraints = false; let previousComputedAudioConstraint: boolean|MediaTrackConstraints = false; /** * A store containing the media constraints we want to apply. */ export const screenSharingConstraintsStore = derived( [ requestedScreenSharingState, gameOverlayVisibilityStore, peerStore, ], ( [ $requestedScreenSharingState, $gameOverlayVisibilityStore, $peerStore, ], set ) => { let currentVideoConstraint: boolean|MediaTrackConstraints = true; let currentAudioConstraint: boolean|MediaTrackConstraints = false; // Disable screen sharing if the user requested so if (!$requestedScreenSharingState) { currentVideoConstraint = false; currentAudioConstraint = false; } // Disable screen sharing when in a Jitsi if (!$gameOverlayVisibilityStore) { currentVideoConstraint = false; currentAudioConstraint = false; } // Disable screen sharing if no peers if ($peerStore.size === 0) { currentVideoConstraint = false; currentAudioConstraint = false; } // Let's make the changes only if the new value is different from the old one. if (previousComputedVideoConstraint != currentVideoConstraint || previousComputedAudioConstraint != currentAudioConstraint) { previousComputedVideoConstraint = currentVideoConstraint; previousComputedAudioConstraint = currentAudioConstraint; // Let's copy the objects. /*if (typeof previousComputedVideoConstraint !== 'boolean') { previousComputedVideoConstraint = {...previousComputedVideoConstraint}; } if (typeof previousComputedAudioConstraint !== 'boolean') { previousComputedAudioConstraint = {...previousComputedAudioConstraint}; }*/ set({ video: currentVideoConstraint, audio: currentAudioConstraint, }); } }, { video: false, audio: false } as MediaStreamConstraints); /** * A store containing the MediaStream object for ScreenSharing (or null if nothing requested, or Error if an error occurred) */ export const screenSharingLocalStreamStore = derived, LocalStreamStoreValue>(screenSharingConstraintsStore, ($screenSharingConstraintsStore, set) => { const constraints = $screenSharingConstraintsStore; if ($ === false && $ === false) { stopScreenSharing(); requestedScreenSharingState.disableScreenSharing(); set({ type: 'success', stream: null, constraints }); return; } let currentStreamPromise: Promise; if (navigator.getDisplayMedia) { currentStreamPromise = navigator.getDisplayMedia({constraints}); } else if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia) { currentStreamPromise = navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({constraints}); } else { stopScreenSharing(); set({ type: 'error', error: new Error('Your browser does not support sharing screen'), constraints }); return; } (async () => { try { stopScreenSharing(); currentStream = await currentStreamPromise; // If stream ends (for instance if user clicks the stop screen sharing button in the browser), let's close the view for (const track of currentStream.getTracks()) { track.onended = () => { stopScreenSharing(); requestedScreenSharingState.disableScreenSharing(); previousComputedVideoConstraint = false; previousComputedAudioConstraint = false; set({ type: 'success', stream: null, constraints: { video: false, audio: false } }); }; } set({ type: 'success', stream: currentStream, constraints }); return; } catch (e) { currentStream = null; requestedScreenSharingState.disableScreenSharing();"Error. Unable to share screen.", e); set({ type: 'error', error: e, constraints }); } })(); }); /** * A store containing whether the screen sharing button should be displayed or hidden. */ export const screenSharingAvailableStore = derived(peerStore, ($peerStore, set) => { if (!navigator.getDisplayMedia && (!navigator.mediaDevices || !navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia)) { set(false); return; } set($peerStore.size !== 0); });