import {HtmlUtils} from "./HtmlUtils"; import {isUndefined} from "generic-type-guard"; enum audioStates { closed = 0, loading = 1, playing = 2 } const audioPlayerDivId = "audioplayer"; const audioPlayerCtrlId = "audioplayerctrl"; const audioPlayerVolId = "audioplayer_volume"; const animationTime = 500; class AudioManager { private opened = audioStates.closed; private audioPlayerDiv: HTMLDivElement; private audioPlayerCtrl: HTMLDivElement; private audioPlayerElem: HTMLAudioElement | undefined; private audioPlayerVol: HTMLInputElement; private volume = 1; private muted = false; private decreaseWhileTalking = true; private volumeReduced = false; constructor() { this.audioPlayerDiv = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(audioPlayerDivId); this.audioPlayerCtrl = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(audioPlayerCtrlId); this.audioPlayerVol = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(audioPlayerVolId); const storedVolume = localStorage.getItem('volume') if (storedVolume === null) { this.setVolume(1); } else { this.volume = parseFloat(storedVolume); this.audioPlayerVol.value = storedVolume; } this.audioPlayerVol.value = '' + this.volume; } public playAudio(url: string|number|boolean, mapDirUrl: string, loop=false): void { const audioPath = url as string; let realAudioPath = ''; if (audioPath.indexOf('://') > 0) { // remote file or stream realAudioPath = audioPath; } else { // local file, include it relative to map directory realAudioPath = mapDirUrl + '/' + url; } this.loadAudio(realAudioPath); if (loop) { this.loop(); } } private close(): void { this.audioPlayerCtrl.classList.remove('loading'); this.audioPlayerCtrl.classList.add('hidden'); this.opened = audioStates.closed; } private load(): void { this.audioPlayerCtrl.classList.remove('hidden'); this.audioPlayerCtrl.classList.add('loading'); this.opened = audioStates.loading; } private open(): void { this.audioPlayerCtrl.classList.remove('hidden', 'loading'); this.opened = audioStates.playing; } private changeVolume(talking = false): void { if (!isUndefined(this.audioPlayerElem)) { this.audioPlayerElem.volume = this.naturalVolume(talking && this.decreaseWhileTalking); this.audioPlayerVol.value = '' + this.audioPlayerElem.volume; this.audioPlayerElem.muted = this.muted; } } private naturalVolume(makeSofter: boolean = false): number { const volume = this.volume const retVol = makeSofter && !this.volumeReduced ? Math.pow(volume * 0.5, 3) : volume this.volumeReduced = makeSofter return retVol; } private setVolume(volume: number): void { this.volume = volume; localStorage.setItem('volume', '' + volume); } private loadAudio(url: string): void { this.load(); /* Solution 1, remove whole audio player */ this.audioPlayerDiv.innerHTML = ''; // necessary, if switching from one audio context to another! (else both streams would play simultaneously) this.audioPlayerElem = document.createElement('audio'); = 'audioplayerelem'; this.audioPlayerElem.controls = false; this.audioPlayerElem.preload = 'none'; const srcElem = document.createElement('source'); srcElem.type = "audio/mp3"; srcElem.src = url; this.audioPlayerElem.append(srcElem); this.audioPlayerDiv.append(this.audioPlayerElem); this.changeVolume();; const muteElem = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('audioplayer_mute'); muteElem.onclick = (ev: Event)=> { this.muted = !this.muted; this.changeVolume(); if (this.muted) { HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('audioplayer_volume_icon_playing').classList.add('muted'); } else { HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('audioplayer_volume_icon_playing').classList.remove('muted'); } } this.audioPlayerVol.oninput = (ev: Event)=> { this.setVolume(parseFloat((ev.currentTarget).value)); this.changeVolume(); (ev.currentTarget).blur(); } const decreaseElem = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('audioplayer_decrease_while_talking'); decreaseElem.oninput = (ev: Event)=> { this.decreaseWhileTalking = (ev.currentTarget).checked; this.changeVolume(); }; } private loop(): void { if (this.audioPlayerElem !== undefined) { this.audioPlayerElem.loop = true; } } public unloadAudio(): void { try { const audioElem = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail('audioplayerelem'); this.volume = audioElem.volume; this.muted = audioElem.muted; audioElem.pause(); audioElem.loop = false; audioElem.src = ""; audioElem.innerHTML = ""; audioElem.load(); } catch (e) { console.log('No audio element loaded to unload'); } this.close(); } public decreaseVolume(): void { this.changeVolume(true); } public restoreVolume(): void { this.changeVolume(false); } } export const audioManager = new AudioManager();