import { v4 } from "uuid"; import { HttpRequest, HttpResponse, TemplatedApp } from "uWebSockets.js"; import { BaseController } from "./BaseController"; import { adminApi } from "../Services/AdminApi"; import { AuthTokenData, jwtTokenManager } from "../Services/JWTTokenManager"; import { parse } from "query-string"; import { openIDClient } from "../Services/OpenIDClient"; export interface TokenInterface { userUuid: string; } export class AuthenticateController extends BaseController { constructor(private App: TemplatedApp) { super(); this.openIDLogin(); this.openIDCallback(); this.register(); this.anonymLogin(); this.profileCallback(); } openIDLogin() { //eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises this.App.get("/login-screen", async (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { res.onAborted(() => { console.warn("/message request was aborted"); }); try { const { nonce, state, playUri } = parse(req.getQuery()); if (!state || !nonce) { throw "missing state and nonce URL parameters"; } const loginUri = await openIDClient.authorizationUrl( state as string, nonce as string, playUri as string | undefined ); res.writeStatus("302"); res.writeHeader("Location", loginUri); return res.end(); } catch (e) { console.error("openIDLogin => e", e); return this.errorToResponse(e, res); } }); } openIDCallback() { //eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises this.App.get("/login-callback", async (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { res.onAborted(() => { console.warn("/message request was aborted"); }); const { code, nonce, token } = parse(req.getQuery()); try { //verify connected by token if (token != undefined) { try { const authTokenData: AuthTokenData = jwtTokenManager.verifyJWTToken(token as string, false); if (authTokenData.hydraAccessToken == undefined) { throw Error("Token cannot to be check on Hydra"); } await openIDClient.checkTokenAuth(authTokenData.hydraAccessToken); res.writeStatus("200"); this.addCorsHeaders(res); return res.end(JSON.stringify({ authToken: token })); } catch (err) {"User was not connected", err); } } //user have not token created, check data on hydra and create token const userInfo = await openIDClient.getUserInfo(code as string, nonce as string); const email = || userInfo.sub; if (!email) { throw new Error("No email in the response"); } const authToken = jwtTokenManager.createAuthToken(email, userInfo.access_token); res.writeStatus("200"); this.addCorsHeaders(res); return res.end(JSON.stringify({ authToken })); } catch (e) { return this.errorToResponse(e, res); } }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises this.App.get("/logout-callback", async (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { res.onAborted(() => { console.warn("/message request was aborted"); }); const { token } = parse(req.getQuery()); try { const authTokenData: AuthTokenData = jwtTokenManager.verifyJWTToken(token as string, false); if (authTokenData.hydraAccessToken == undefined) { throw Error("Token cannot to be logout on Hydra"); } await openIDClient.logoutUser(authTokenData.hydraAccessToken); } catch (error) { console.error("openIDCallback => logout-callback", error); } finally { res.writeStatus("200"); this.addCorsHeaders(res); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unsafe-finally return res.end(); } }); } //Try to login with an admin token private register() { this.App.options("/register", (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { this.addCorsHeaders(res); res.end(); });"/register", (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { (async () => { res.onAborted(() => { console.warn("Login request was aborted"); }); const param = await res.json(); //todo: what to do if the organizationMemberToken is already used? const organizationMemberToken: string | null = param.organizationMemberToken; try { if (typeof organizationMemberToken != "string") throw new Error("No organization token"); const data = await adminApi.fetchMemberDataByToken(organizationMemberToken); const userUuid = data.userUuid; const email =; const roomUrl = data.roomUrl; const mapUrlStart = data.mapUrlStart; const textures = data.textures; const authToken = jwtTokenManager.createAuthToken(email || userUuid); res.writeStatus("200 OK"); this.addCorsHeaders(res); res.end( JSON.stringify({ authToken, userUuid, roomUrl, mapUrlStart, organizationMemberToken, textures, }) ); } catch (e) { this.errorToResponse(e, res); } })(); }); } //permit to login on application. Return token to connect on Websocket IO. private anonymLogin() { this.App.options("/anonymLogin", (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { this.addCorsHeaders(res); res.end(); });"/anonymLogin", (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { res.onAborted(() => { console.warn("Login request was aborted"); }); const userUuid = v4(); const authToken = jwtTokenManager.createAuthToken(userUuid); res.writeStatus("200 OK"); this.addCorsHeaders(res); res.end( JSON.stringify({ authToken, userUuid, }) ); }); } profileCallback() { //eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises this.App.get("/profile-callback", async (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { res.onAborted(() => { console.warn("/message request was aborted"); }); const { userIdentify, token } = parse(req.getQuery()); try { //verify connected by token if (token != undefined) { try { const authTokenData: AuthTokenData = jwtTokenManager.verifyJWTToken(token as string, false); if (authTokenData.hydraAccessToken == undefined) { throw Error("Token cannot to be check on Hydra"); } await openIDClient.checkTokenAuth(authTokenData.hydraAccessToken); //get login profile res.writeStatus("302"); res.writeHeader("Location", adminApi.getProfileUrl(authTokenData.hydraAccessToken)); this.addCorsHeaders(res); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unsafe-finally return res.end(); } catch (error) { return this.errorToResponse(error, res); } } } catch (error) { this.errorToResponse(error, res); } }); } }