import { Subject } from "rxjs"; import { ChatEvent, isChatEvent } from "./Events/ChatEvent"; import { HtmlUtils } from "../WebRtc/HtmlUtils"; import type { EnterLeaveEvent } from "./Events/EnterLeaveEvent"; import { isOpenPopupEvent, OpenPopupEvent } from "./Events/OpenPopupEvent"; import { isOpenTabEvent, OpenTabEvent } from "./Events/OpenTabEvent"; import type { ButtonClickedEvent } from "./Events/ButtonClickedEvent"; import { ClosePopupEvent, isClosePopupEvent } from "./Events/ClosePopupEvent"; import { scriptUtils } from "./ScriptUtils"; import { GoToPageEvent, isGoToPageEvent } from "./Events/GoToPageEvent"; import { isOpenCoWebsite, OpenCoWebSiteEvent } from "./Events/OpenCoWebSiteEvent"; import { IframeErrorAnswerEvent, IframeEvent, IframeEventMap, IframeQueryMap, IframeResponseEvent, IframeResponseEventMap, isIframeEventWrapper, isIframeQueryWrapper, TypedMessageEvent, } from "./Events/IframeEvent"; import type { UserInputChatEvent } from "./Events/UserInputChatEvent"; import { isPlaySoundEvent, PlaySoundEvent } from "./Events/PlaySoundEvent"; import { isStopSoundEvent, StopSoundEvent } from "./Events/StopSoundEvent"; import { isLoadSoundEvent, LoadSoundEvent } from "./Events/LoadSoundEvent"; import { isSetPropertyEvent, SetPropertyEvent } from "./Events/setPropertyEvent"; import { isLayerEvent, LayerEvent } from "./Events/LayerEvent"; import { isMenuItemRegisterEvent } from "./Events/ui/MenuItemRegisterEvent"; import type { MapDataEvent } from "./Events/MapDataEvent"; import type { GameStateEvent } from "./Events/GameStateEvent"; import type { HasPlayerMovedEvent } from "./Events/HasPlayerMovedEvent"; import { isLoadPageEvent } from "./Events/LoadPageEvent"; import { handleMenuItemRegistrationEvent, isMenuItemRegisterIframeEvent } from "./Events/ui/MenuItemRegisterEvent"; import { SetTilesEvent, isSetTilesEvent } from "./Events/SetTilesEvent"; import { isSetVariableIframeEvent, SetVariableEvent } from "./Events/SetVariableEvent"; /** * Listens to messages from iframes and turn those messages into easy to use observables. * Also allows to send messages to those iframes. */ class IframeListener { private readonly _readyStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly readyStream = this._readyStream.asObservable(); private readonly _chatStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly chatStream = this._chatStream.asObservable(); private readonly _openPopupStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly openPopupStream = this._openPopupStream.asObservable(); private readonly _openTabStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly openTabStream = this._openTabStream.asObservable(); private readonly _goToPageStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly goToPageStream = this._goToPageStream.asObservable(); private readonly _loadPageStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly loadPageStream = this._loadPageStream.asObservable(); private readonly _openCoWebSiteStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly openCoWebSiteStream = this._openCoWebSiteStream.asObservable(); private readonly _closeCoWebSiteStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly closeCoWebSiteStream = this._closeCoWebSiteStream.asObservable(); private readonly _disablePlayerControlStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly disablePlayerControlStream = this._disablePlayerControlStream.asObservable(); private readonly _enablePlayerControlStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly enablePlayerControlStream = this._enablePlayerControlStream.asObservable(); private readonly _closePopupStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly closePopupStream = this._closePopupStream.asObservable(); private readonly _displayBubbleStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly displayBubbleStream = this._displayBubbleStream.asObservable(); private readonly _removeBubbleStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly removeBubbleStream = this._removeBubbleStream.asObservable(); private readonly _showLayerStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly showLayerStream = this._showLayerStream.asObservable(); private readonly _hideLayerStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly hideLayerStream = this._hideLayerStream.asObservable(); private readonly _setPropertyStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly setPropertyStream = this._setPropertyStream.asObservable(); private readonly _registerMenuCommandStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly registerMenuCommandStream = this._registerMenuCommandStream.asObservable(); private readonly _unregisterMenuCommandStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly unregisterMenuCommandStream = this._unregisterMenuCommandStream.asObservable(); private readonly _playSoundStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly playSoundStream = this._playSoundStream.asObservable(); private readonly _stopSoundStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly stopSoundStream = this._stopSoundStream.asObservable(); private readonly _loadSoundStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly loadSoundStream = this._loadSoundStream.asObservable(); private readonly _setTilesStream: Subject = new Subject(); public readonly setTilesStream = this._setTilesStream.asObservable(); private readonly iframes = new Set(); private readonly iframeCloseCallbacks = new Map void)[]>(); private readonly scripts = new Map(); private sendPlayerMove: boolean = false; // Note: we are forced to type this in "any" because of // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any private answerers: any = {}; /*private answerers: { [key in keyof IframeQueryMap]?: (query: IframeQueryMap[key]['query']) => IframeQueryMap[key]['answer']|PromiseLike } = {};*/ init() { window.addEventListener( "message", (message: TypedMessageEvent>) => { // Do we trust the sender of this message? // Let's only accept messages from the iframe that are allowed. // Note: maybe we could restrict on the domain too for additional security (in case the iframe goes to another domain). let foundSrc: string | undefined; let iframe: HTMLIFrameElement | undefined; for (iframe of this.iframes) { if (iframe.contentWindow === message.source) { foundSrc = iframe.src; break; } } const payload =; if (foundSrc === undefined || iframe === undefined) { if (isIframeEventWrapper(payload)) { console.warn( "It seems an iFrame is trying to communicate with WorkAdventure but was not explicitly granted the permission to do so. " + "If you are looking to use the WorkAdventure Scripting API inside an iFrame, you should allow the " + 'iFrame to communicate with WorkAdventure by using the "openWebsiteAllowApi" property in your map (or passing "true" as a second' + "parameter to WA.nav.openCoWebSite())" ); } return; } foundSrc = this.getBaseUrl(foundSrc, message.source); if (isIframeQueryWrapper(payload)) { const queryId =; const query = payload.query; const answerer = this.answerers[query.type]; if (answerer === undefined) { const errorMsg = 'The iFrame sent a message of type "'+query.type+'" but there is no service configured to answer these messages.'; console.error(errorMsg); iframe.contentWindow?.postMessage({ id: queryId, type: query.type, error: errorMsg } as IframeErrorAnswerEvent, '*'); return; } const errorHandler = (reason: unknown) => { console.error('An error occurred while responding to an iFrame query.', reason); let reasonMsg: string = ''; if (reason instanceof Error) { reasonMsg = reason.message; } else if (typeof reason === 'object') { reasonMsg = reason ? reason.toString() : ''; } else if (typeof reason === 'string') { reasonMsg = reason; } iframe?.contentWindow?.postMessage({ id: queryId, type: query.type, error: reasonMsg } as IframeErrorAnswerEvent, '*'); }; try { Promise.resolve(answerer( => { iframe?.contentWindow?.postMessage({ id: queryId, type: query.type, data: value }, '*'); }).catch(errorHandler); } catch (reason) { errorHandler(reason); } if (isSetVariableIframeEvent(payload.query)) { // Let's dispatch the message to the other iframes for (iframe of this.iframes) { if (iframe.contentWindow !== message.source) { iframe.contentWindow?.postMessage({ 'type': 'setVariable', 'data': }, '*'); } } } } else if (isIframeEventWrapper(payload)) { if (payload.type === "showLayer" && isLayerEvent( {; } else if (payload.type === "hideLayer" && isLayerEvent( {; } else if (payload.type === "setProperty" && isSetPropertyEvent( {; } else if (payload.type === "chat" && isChatEvent( {; } else if (payload.type === "openPopup" && isOpenPopupEvent( {; } else if (payload.type === "closePopup" && isClosePopupEvent( {; } else if (payload.type === "openTab" && isOpenTabEvent( { scriptUtils.openTab(; } else if (payload.type === "goToPage" && isGoToPageEvent( { scriptUtils.goToPage(; } else if (payload.type === "loadPage" && isLoadPageEvent( {; } else if (payload.type === "playSound" && isPlaySoundEvent( {; } else if (payload.type === "stopSound" && isStopSoundEvent( {; } else if (payload.type === "loadSound" && isLoadSoundEvent( {; } else if (payload.type === "openCoWebSite" && isOpenCoWebsite( { scriptUtils.openCoWebsite(, foundSrc,, ); } else if (payload.type === "closeCoWebSite") { scriptUtils.closeCoWebSite(); } else if (payload.type === "disablePlayerControls") {; } else if (payload.type === "restorePlayerControls") {; } else if (payload.type === "displayBubble") {; } else if (payload.type === "removeBubble") {; } else if (payload.type == "onPlayerMove") { this.sendPlayerMove = true; } else if (isMenuItemRegisterIframeEvent(payload)) { const data =; // @ts-ignore this.iframeCloseCallbacks.get(iframe).push(() => {; }); handleMenuItemRegistrationEvent(; } else if (payload.type == "setTiles" && isSetTilesEvent( {; } } }, false ); } /** * Allows the passed iFrame to send/receive messages via the API. */ registerIframe(iframe: HTMLIFrameElement): void { this.iframes.add(iframe); this.iframeCloseCallbacks.set(iframe, []); } unregisterIframe(iframe: HTMLIFrameElement): void { this.iframeCloseCallbacks.get(iframe)?.forEach((callback) => { callback(); }); this.iframes.delete(iframe); } registerScript(scriptUrl: string): void { console.log("Loading map related script at ", scriptUrl); if (!process.env.NODE_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") { // Using external iframe mode ( const iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = IframeListener.getIFrameId(scriptUrl); = "none"; iframe.src = "/iframe.html?script=" + encodeURIComponent(scriptUrl); // We are putting a sandbox on this script because it will run in the same domain as the main website. iframe.sandbox.add("allow-scripts"); iframe.sandbox.add("allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation"); document.body.prepend(iframe); this.scripts.set(scriptUrl, iframe); this.registerIframe(iframe); } else { // production code const iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = IframeListener.getIFrameId(scriptUrl); = "none"; // We are putting a sandbox on this script because it will run in the same domain as the main website. iframe.sandbox.add("allow-scripts"); iframe.sandbox.add("allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation"); //iframe.src = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + escape(html); iframe.srcdoc = "\n" + "\n" + '\n' + "\n" + '\n' + '\n' + "\n" + "\n" + "\n"; document.body.prepend(iframe); this.scripts.set(scriptUrl, iframe); this.registerIframe(iframe); } } private getBaseUrl(src: string, source: MessageEventSource | null): string { for (const script of this.scripts) { if (script[1].contentWindow === source) { return script[0]; } } return src; } private static getIFrameId(scriptUrl: string): string { return "script" + btoa(scriptUrl); } unregisterScript(scriptUrl: string): void { const iFrameId = IframeListener.getIFrameId(scriptUrl); const iframe = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(iFrameId); if (!iframe) { throw new Error('Unknown iframe for script "' + scriptUrl + '"'); } this.unregisterIframe(iframe); iframe.remove(); this.scripts.delete(scriptUrl); } sendUserInputChat(message: string) { this.postMessage({ type: "userInputChat", data: { message: message, } as UserInputChatEvent, }); } sendEnterEvent(name: string) { this.postMessage({ type: "enterEvent", data: { name: name, } as EnterLeaveEvent, }); } sendLeaveEvent(name: string) { this.postMessage({ type: "leaveEvent", data: { name: name, } as EnterLeaveEvent, }); } hasPlayerMoved(event: HasPlayerMovedEvent) { if (this.sendPlayerMove) { this.postMessage({ type: "hasPlayerMoved", data: event, }); } } sendButtonClickedEvent(popupId: number, buttonId: number): void { this.postMessage({ type: "buttonClickedEvent", data: { popupId, buttonId, } as ButtonClickedEvent, }); } setVariable(setVariableEvent: SetVariableEvent) { this.postMessage({ 'type': 'setVariable', 'data': setVariableEvent }); } /** * Sends the message... to all allowed iframes. */ public postMessage(message: IframeResponseEvent) { for (const iframe of this.iframes) { iframe.contentWindow?.postMessage(message, "*"); } } /** * Registers a callback that can be used to respond to some query (as defined in the IframeQueryMap type). * * Important! There can be only one "answerer" so registering a new one will unregister the old one. * * @param key The "type" of the query we are answering * @param callback */ public registerAnswerer(key: T, callback: (query: IframeQueryMap[T]['query']) => IframeQueryMap[T]['answer']|PromiseLike ): void { this.answerers[key] = callback; } public unregisterAnswerer(key: keyof IframeQueryMap): void { delete this.answerers[key]; } } export const iframeListener = new IframeListener();