import {TextField} from "../Components/TextField"; import Image = Phaser.GameObjects.Image; import Sprite = Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; import Text = Phaser.GameObjects.Text; import ScenePlugin = Phaser.Scenes.ScenePlugin; import {WAError} from "./WAError"; export const ErrorSceneName = "ErrorScene"; enum Textures { icon = "icon", mainFont = "main_font" } export class ErrorScene extends Phaser.Scene { private titleField!: TextField; private subTitleField!: TextField; private messageField!: Text; private logo!: Image; private cat!: Sprite; private title!: string; private subTitle!: string; private message!: string; constructor() { super({ key: ErrorSceneName }); } init({title, subTitle, message}: { title?: string, subTitle?: string, message?: string }) { this.title = title ? title : ''; this.subTitle = subTitle ? subTitle : ''; this.message = message ? message : ''; } preload() { this.load.image(Textures.icon, "resources/logos/tcm_full.png"); // Note: arcade.png from the Phaser 3 examples at: this.load.bitmapFont(Textures.mainFont, 'resources/fonts/arcade.png', 'resources/fonts/arcade.xml'); this.load.spritesheet( 'cat', 'resources/characters/pipoya/Cat 01-1.png', {frameWidth: 32, frameHeight: 32} ); } create() { this.logo = new Image(this, - 30, - 20, Textures.icon); this.add.existing(this.logo); this.titleField = new TextField(this, / 2, / 2, this.title); this.subTitleField = new TextField(this, / 2, / 2 + 24, this.subTitle); this.messageField = this.add.text( / 2, / 2 + 38, this.message, { fontFamily: 'Georgia, "Goudy Bookletter 1911", Times, serif', fontSize: '10px' }); this.messageField.setOrigin(0.5, 0.5); = this.physics.add.sprite( / 2, / 2 - 32, 'cat', 6); = true; } /** * Displays the error page, with an error message matching the "error" parameters passed in. */ public static showError(error: any, scene: ScenePlugin): void { console.error(error); if (typeof error === 'string' || error instanceof String) { scene.start(ErrorSceneName, { title: 'An error occurred', subTitle: error }); } else if (error instanceof WAError) { scene.start(ErrorSceneName, { title: error.title, subTitle: error.subTitle, message: error.details }); } else if (error.response) { // Axios HTTP error // client received an error response (5xx, 4xx) scene.start(ErrorSceneName, { title: 'HTTP ' + error.response.status + ' - ' + error.response.statusText, subTitle: 'An error occurred while accessing URL:', message: error.response.config.url }); } else if (error.request) { // Axios HTTP error // client never received a response, or request never left scene.start(ErrorSceneName, { title: 'Network error', subTitle: error.message }); } else if (error instanceof Error) { // Error scene.start(ErrorSceneName, { title: 'An error occurred', subTitle:, message: error.message }); } else { throw error; } } /** * Displays the error page, with an error message matching the "error" parameters passed in. */ public static startErrorPage(title: string, subTitle: string, message: string, scene: ScenePlugin): void { scene.start(ErrorSceneName, { title, subTitle, message }); } }