import {GameScene} from "./GameScene"; import { Connection, GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface, ListMessageUserPositionInterface, MessageUserJoined, MessageUserMovedInterface, MessageUserPositionInterface, Point, PointInterface, StartMapInterface } from "../../Connection"; import {SimplePeer} from "../../WebRtc/SimplePeer"; import {AddPlayerInterface} from "./AddPlayerInterface"; import {ReconnectingScene, ReconnectingSceneName} from "../Reconnecting/ReconnectingScene"; import ScenePlugin = Phaser.Scenes.ScenePlugin; import {Scene} from "phaser"; import Axios from "axios"; import {API_URL} from "../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; /*export enum StatusGameManagerEnum { IN_PROGRESS = 1, CURRENT_USER_CREATED = 2 }*/ export interface HasMovedEvent { direction: string; moving: boolean; x: number; y: number; } export interface MapObject { key: string, url: string } export class GameManager { //status: number; //private ConnectionInstance: Connection; private currentGameScene: GameScene|null = null; private playerName: string; SimplePeer : SimplePeer; private characterUserSelected: string; constructor() { //this.status = StatusGameManagerEnum.IN_PROGRESS; } public storePlayerDetails(name: string, characterUserSelected : string) /*: Promise*/ { this.playerName = name; this.characterUserSelected = characterUserSelected; /*this.ConnectionInstance = new Connection(this); return this.ConnectionInstance.createConnection(name, characterUserSelected).then((data : Connection) => { this.SimplePeer = new SimplePeer(this.ConnectionInstance); return data; }).catch((err) => { throw err; });*/ } loadStartMap() : Promise { return Axios.get(`${API_URL}/start-map`) .then((res) => { return; }).catch((err) => { console.error(err); throw err; }); } setCurrentGameScene(gameScene: GameScene) { this.currentGameScene = gameScene; } /** * Permit to create player in started room */ /*createCurrentPlayer(): void { //Get started room send by the backend this.currentGameScene.createCurrentPlayer(); //this.status = StatusGameManagerEnum.CURRENT_USER_CREATED; }*/ getPlayerName(): string { return this.playerName; } getCharacterSelected(): string { return this.characterUserSelected; } loadMap(mapUrl: string, scene: Phaser.Scenes.ScenePlugin, instance: string): string { const sceneKey = GameScene.getMapKeyByUrl(mapUrl); const gameIndex = scene.getIndex(sceneKey); if(gameIndex === -1){ const game : Phaser.Scene = GameScene.createFromUrl(mapUrl, instance); scene.add(sceneKey, game, false); } return sceneKey; } private oldSceneKey : string; private oldMapUrlFile : string; private oldInstance : string; private scenePlugin: ScenePlugin; private reconnectScene: Scene|null = null; switchToDisconnectedScene(): void { if (this.currentGameScene === null) { return; } console.log('Switching to disconnected scene'); this.oldSceneKey = this.currentGameScene.scene.key; this.oldMapUrlFile = this.currentGameScene.MapUrlFile; this.oldInstance = this.currentGameScene.instance; this.currentGameScene.scene.start(ReconnectingSceneName); this.reconnectScene = this.currentGameScene.scene.get(ReconnectingSceneName); // Let's completely delete an purge the disconnected scene. We will start again from 0. this.currentGameScene.scene.remove(this.oldSceneKey); this.scenePlugin = this.currentGameScene.scene; this.currentGameScene = null; } /*private timeoutCallback: NodeJS.Timeout|null = null; reconnectToGameScene(lastPositionShared: PointInterface): void { if (this.timeoutCallback !== null) { console.log('Reconnect called but setTimeout in progress for the reconnection'); return; } if (this.reconnectScene === null) { console.log('Reconnect called without switchToDisconnectedScene called first'); if (!this.currentGameScene) { console.error('Reconnect called but we are not on a GameScene'); return; } // In case we are asked to reconnect even if switchToDisconnectedScene was not triggered (can happen when a laptop goes to sleep) this.switchToDisconnectedScene(); // Wait a bit for scene to load. Otherwise, starting ReconnectingSceneName and then starting GameScene one after the other fails for some reason. this.timeoutCallback = setTimeout(() => { console.log('Reconnecting to game scene from setTimeout'); this.timeoutCallback = null; this.reconnectToGameScene(lastPositionShared); }, 500); return; } console.log('Reconnecting to game scene'); const game : Phaser.Scene = GameScene.createFromUrl(this.oldMapUrlFile, this.oldInstance); this.reconnectScene.scene.add(this.oldSceneKey, game, true, { initPosition: lastPositionShared }); this.reconnectScene = null; }*/ private getCurrentGameScene(): GameScene { if (this.currentGameScene === null) { throw new Error('No current game scene enabled'); } return this.currentGameScene; } } export const gameManager = new GameManager();