import {CoWebsiteManager} from "./CoWebsiteManager"; import {JITSI_URL} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; declare const window:any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const interfaceConfig = { SHOW_CHROME_EXTENSION_BANNER: false, MOBILE_APP_PROMO: false, HIDE_INVITE_MORE_HEADER: true, // Note: hiding brand does not seem to work, we probably need to put this on the server side. SHOW_BRAND_WATERMARK: false, SHOW_JITSI_WATERMARK: false, SHOW_POWERED_BY: false, SHOW_PROMOTIONAL_CLOSE_PAGE: false, SHOW_WATERMARK_FOR_GUESTS: false, TOOLBAR_BUTTONS: [ 'microphone', 'camera', 'closedcaptions', 'desktop', /*'embedmeeting',*/ 'fullscreen', 'fodeviceselection', 'hangup', 'profile', 'chat', 'recording', 'livestreaming', 'etherpad', 'sharedvideo', 'settings', 'raisehand', 'videoquality', 'filmstrip', /*'invite',*/ 'feedback', 'stats', 'shortcuts', 'tileview', 'videobackgroundblur', 'download', 'help', 'mute-everyone', /*'security'*/ ], }; class JitsiFactory { private jitsiApi: any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any public start(roomName: string, playerName:string, jwt?: string): void { CoWebsiteManager.insertCoWebsite((cowebsiteDiv => { const domain = JITSI_URL; const options = { roomName: roomName, jwt: jwt, width: "100%", height: "100%", parentNode: cowebsiteDiv, configOverwrite: { prejoinPageEnabled: false }, interfaceConfigOverwrite: interfaceConfig, }; if (!options.jwt) { delete options.jwt; } this.jitsiApi = new window.JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, options); this.jitsiApi.executeCommand('displayName', playerName); })); } public stop(): void { this.jitsiApi?.dispose(); CoWebsiteManager.closeCoWebsite(); } } export const jitsiFactory = new JitsiFactory();