import type { UserInputHandlerInterface } from "../../Interfaces/UserInputHandlerInterface"; import type { GameScene } from "../Game/GameScene"; export class GameSceneUserInputHandler implements UserInputHandlerInterface { private gameScene: GameScene; constructor(gameScene: GameScene) { this.gameScene = gameScene; } public handleMouseWheelEvent( pointer: Phaser.Input.Pointer, gameObjects: Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject[], deltaX: number, deltaY: number, deltaZ: number ): void { this.gameScene.zoomByFactor(1 - (deltaY / 53) * 0.1); } public handlePointerUpEvent(pointer: Phaser.Input.Pointer, gameObjects: Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject[]): void { const camera = this.gameScene.getCameraManager().getCamera(); const index = this.gameScene .getGameMap() .getTileIndexAt(pointer.x + camera.scrollX, pointer.y + camera.scrollY); const startTile = this.gameScene .getGameMap() .getTileIndexAt(this.gameScene.CurrentPlayer.x, this.gameScene.CurrentPlayer.y); this.gameScene .getPathfindingManager() .findPath(startTile, index) .then((path) => { const tileDimensions = this.gameScene.getGameMap().getTileDimensions(); const pixelPath = => { return { x: step.x * tileDimensions.width + tileDimensions.width * 0.5, y: step.y * tileDimensions.height + tileDimensions.height * 0.5, }; }); // Replace last position with pointerUp result // pixelPath[pixelPath.length - 1] = { x: pointer.x + camera.scrollX, y: pointer.y + camera.scrollY }; // Remove first step as it is for the tile we are currently standing on pixelPath.shift(); this.gameScene.CurrentPlayer.setPathToFollow([...pixelPath]); }) .catch((reason) => { console.warn(reason); }); } public handleSpaceKeyUpEvent(event: Event): Event { this.gameScene.activateOutlinedItem(); return event; } }