/** * Handles variables shared between the scripting API and the server. */ import { ITiledMap, ITiledMapObject, ITiledMapObjectLayer } from "@workadventure/tiled-map-type-guard/dist"; import { User } from "_Model/User"; import { variablesRepository } from "./Repository/VariablesRepository"; import { redisClient } from "./RedisClient"; interface Variable { defaultValue?: string; persist?: boolean; readableBy?: string; writableBy?: string; } export class VariablesManager { /** * The actual values of the variables for the current room */ private _variables = new Map(); /** * The list of variables that are allowed */ private variableObjects: Map | undefined; /** * @param map The map can be "null" if it is hosted on a private network. In this case, we assume this is a test setup and bypass any server-side checks. */ constructor(private roomUrl: string, private map: ITiledMap | null) { // We initialize the list of variable object at room start. The objects cannot be edited later // (otherwise, this would cause a security issue if the scripting API can edit this list of objects) if (map) { this.variableObjects = VariablesManager.findVariablesInMap(map); // Let's initialize default values for (const [name, variableObject] of this.variableObjects.entries()) { if (variableObject.defaultValue !== undefined) { this._variables.set(name, variableObject.defaultValue); } } } } /** * Let's load data from the Redis backend. */ public async init(): Promise { if (!this.shouldPersist()) { return; } const variables = await variablesRepository.loadVariables(this.roomUrl); for (const key in variables) { this._variables.set(key, variables[key]); } } /** * Returns true if saving should be enabled, and false otherwise. * * Saving is enabled if REDIS_HOST is set * unless we are editing a local map * unless we are in dev mode in which case it is ok to save * * @private */ private shouldPersist(): boolean { return redisClient !== null && (this.map !== null || process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"); } private static findVariablesInMap(map: ITiledMap): Map { const objects = new Map(); for (const layer of map.layers) { if (layer.type === "objectgroup") { for (const object of (layer as ITiledMapObjectLayer).objects) { if (object.type === "variable") { if (object.template) { console.warn( 'Warning, a variable object is using a Tiled "template". WorkAdventure does not support objects generated from Tiled templates.' ); continue; } // We store a copy of the object (to make it immutable) objects.set(object.name, this.iTiledObjectToVariable(object)); } } } } return objects; } private static iTiledObjectToVariable(object: ITiledMapObject): Variable { const variable: Variable = {}; if (object.properties) { for (const property of object.properties) { const value = property.value; switch (property.name) { case "default": variable.defaultValue = JSON.stringify(value); break; case "persist": if (typeof value !== "boolean") { throw new Error('The persist property of variable "' + object.name + '" must be a boolean'); } variable.persist = value; break; case "writableBy": if (typeof value !== "string") { throw new Error( 'The writableBy property of variable "' + object.name + '" must be a string' ); } if (value) { variable.writableBy = value; } break; case "readableBy": if (typeof value !== "string") { throw new Error( 'The readableBy property of variable "' + object.name + '" must be a string' ); } if (value) { variable.readableBy = value; } break; } } } return variable; } setVariable(name: string, value: string, user: User): string | undefined { let readableBy: string | undefined; if (this.variableObjects) { const variableObject = this.variableObjects.get(name); if (variableObject === undefined) { throw new Error('Trying to set a variable "' + name + '" that is not defined as an object in the map.'); } if (variableObject.writableBy && !user.tags.includes(variableObject.writableBy)) { throw new Error( 'Trying to set a variable "' + name + '". User "' + user.name + '" does not have sufficient permission. Required tag: "' + variableObject.writableBy + '". User tags: ' + user.tags.join(", ") + "." ); } readableBy = variableObject.readableBy; } this._variables.set(name, value); variablesRepository .saveVariable(this.roomUrl, name, value) .catch((e) => console.error("Error while saving variable in Redis:", e)); return readableBy; } public getVariablesForTags(tags: string[]): Map { if (this.variableObjects === undefined) { return this._variables; } const readableVariables = new Map(); for (const [key, value] of this._variables.entries()) { const variableObject = this.variableObjects.get(key); if (variableObject === undefined) { throw new Error('Unexpected variable "' + key + '" found has no associated variableObject.'); } if (!variableObject.readableBy || tags.includes(variableObject.readableBy)) { readableVariables.set(key, value); } } return readableVariables; } }