import type { GameScene } from "./GameScene"; import type { GameMap } from "./GameMap"; import { scriptUtils } from "../../Api/ScriptUtils"; import { coWebsiteManager } from "../../WebRtc/CoWebsiteManager"; import { layoutManagerActionStore } from "../../Stores/LayoutManagerStore"; import { localUserStore } from "../../Connexion/LocalUserStore"; import { get } from "svelte/store"; import { ON_ACTION_TRIGGER_BUTTON, ON_ICON_TRIGGER_BUTTON } from "../../WebRtc/LayoutManager"; import type { ITiledMapLayer } from "../Map/ITiledMap"; import { GameMapProperties } from "./GameMapProperties"; import type { CoWebsite } from "../../WebRtc/CoWebsite/CoWesbite"; import { SimpleCoWebsite } from "../../WebRtc/CoWebsite/SimpleCoWebsite"; interface OpenCoWebsite { actionId: string; coWebsite?: CoWebsite; } export class GameMapPropertiesListener { private coWebsitesOpenByLayer = new Map(); private coWebsitesActionTriggerByLayer = new Map(); constructor(private scene: GameScene, private gameMap: GameMap) {} register() { this.gameMap.onPropertyChange(GameMapProperties.OPEN_TAB, (newValue, oldValue, allProps) => { if (newValue === undefined) { layoutManagerActionStore.removeAction("openTab"); } if (typeof newValue == "string" && newValue.length) { const openWebsiteTriggerValue = allProps.get(GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE_TRIGGER); const forceTrigger = localUserStore.getForceCowebsiteTrigger(); if (forceTrigger || openWebsiteTriggerValue === ON_ACTION_TRIGGER_BUTTON) { let message = allProps.get(GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE_TRIGGER_MESSAGE); if (message === undefined) { message = "Press SPACE or touch here to open web site in new tab"; } layoutManagerActionStore.addAction({ uuid: "openTab", type: "message", message: message, callback: () => scriptUtils.openTab(newValue), userInputManager: this.scene.userInputManager, }); } else { scriptUtils.openTab(newValue); } } }); // Open a new co-website by the property. this.gameMap.onEnterLayer((newLayers) => { const handler = () => { newLayers.forEach((layer) => { if (! { return; } let openWebsiteProperty: string | undefined; let allowApiProperty: boolean | undefined; let websitePolicyProperty: string | undefined; let websiteWidthProperty: number | undefined; let websitePositionProperty: number | undefined; let websiteTriggerProperty: string | undefined; let websiteTriggerMessageProperty: string | undefined; => { switch ( { case GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE: openWebsiteProperty = property.value as string | undefined; break; case GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE_ALLOW_API: allowApiProperty = property.value as boolean | undefined; break; case GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE_POLICY: websitePolicyProperty = property.value as string | undefined; break; case GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE_WIDTH: websiteWidthProperty = property.value as number | undefined; break; case GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE_POSITION: websitePositionProperty = property.value as number | undefined; break; case GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE_TRIGGER: websiteTriggerProperty = property.value as string | undefined; break; case GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE_TRIGGER_MESSAGE: websiteTriggerMessageProperty = property.value as string | undefined; break; } }); if (!openWebsiteProperty) { return; } const actionId = "openWebsite-" + (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7); if (this.coWebsitesOpenByLayer.has(layer)) { return; } const coWebsiteOpen: OpenCoWebsite = { actionId: actionId, }; this.coWebsitesOpenByLayer.set(layer, coWebsiteOpen); const loadCoWebsiteFunction = (coWebsite: CoWebsite) => { coWebsiteManager.loadCoWebsite(coWebsite).catch(() => { console.error("Error during loading a co-website: " + coWebsite.getUrl()); }); layoutManagerActionStore.removeAction(actionId); }; const openCoWebsiteFunction = () => { const coWebsite = new SimpleCoWebsite( new URL(openWebsiteProperty ?? "", this.scene.MapUrlFile), allowApiProperty, websitePolicyProperty, websiteWidthProperty, false ); coWebsiteOpen.coWebsite = coWebsite; coWebsiteManager.addCoWebsiteToStore(coWebsite, websitePositionProperty); loadCoWebsiteFunction(coWebsite); }; if ( localUserStore.getForceCowebsiteTrigger() || websiteTriggerProperty === ON_ACTION_TRIGGER_BUTTON ) { if (!websiteTriggerMessageProperty) { websiteTriggerMessageProperty = "Press SPACE or touch here to open web site"; } this.coWebsitesActionTriggerByLayer.set(layer, actionId); layoutManagerActionStore.addAction({ uuid: actionId, type: "message", message: websiteTriggerMessageProperty, callback: () => openCoWebsiteFunction(), userInputManager: this.scene.userInputManager, }); } else if (websiteTriggerProperty === ON_ICON_TRIGGER_BUTTON) { const coWebsite = new SimpleCoWebsite( new URL(openWebsiteProperty ?? "", this.scene.MapUrlFile), allowApiProperty, websitePolicyProperty, websiteWidthProperty, false ); coWebsiteOpen.coWebsite = coWebsite; coWebsiteManager.addCoWebsiteToStore(coWebsite, websitePositionProperty); } if (!websiteTriggerProperty) { openCoWebsiteFunction(); } }); }; handler(); }); // Close opened co-websites on leave the layer who contain the property. this.gameMap.onLeaveLayer((oldLayers) => { const handler = () => { oldLayers.forEach((layer) => { if (! { return; } let openWebsiteProperty: string | undefined; let websiteTriggerProperty: string | undefined; => { switch ( { case GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE: openWebsiteProperty = property.value as string | undefined; break; case GameMapProperties.OPEN_WEBSITE_TRIGGER: websiteTriggerProperty = property.value as string | undefined; break; } }); if (!openWebsiteProperty) { return; } const coWebsiteOpen = this.coWebsitesOpenByLayer.get(layer); if (!coWebsiteOpen) { return; } const coWebsite = coWebsiteOpen.coWebsite; if (coWebsite) { coWebsiteManager.closeCoWebsite(coWebsite); } this.coWebsitesOpenByLayer.delete(layer); if (!websiteTriggerProperty) { return; } const actionStore = get(layoutManagerActionStore); const actionTriggerUuid = this.coWebsitesActionTriggerByLayer.get(layer); if (!actionTriggerUuid) { return; } const action = actionStore && actionStore.length > 0 ? actionStore.find((action) => action.uuid === actionTriggerUuid) : undefined; if (action) { layoutManagerActionStore.removeAction(actionTriggerUuid); } this.coWebsitesActionTriggerByLayer.delete(layer); }); }; handler(); }); } }