import { MenuScene } from "./MenuScene"; import { gameManager } from "../Game/GameManager"; import { blackListManager } from "../../WebRtc/BlackListManager"; import { playersStore } from "../../Stores/PlayersStore"; export const gameReportKey = "gameReport"; export const gameReportRessource = "resources/html/gameReport.html"; export class ReportMenu extends Phaser.GameObjects.DOMElement { private opened: boolean = false; private userUuid!: string; private userName!: string | undefined; private anonymous: boolean; constructor(scene: Phaser.Scene, anonymous: boolean) { super(scene, -2000, -2000); this.anonymous = anonymous; this.createFromCache(gameReportKey); if (this.anonymous) { const divToHide = this.getChildByID("reportSection") as HTMLElement; divToHide.hidden = true; const textToHide = this.getChildByID("askActionP") as HTMLElement; textToHide.hidden = true; } scene.add.existing(this); MenuScene.revealMenusAfterInit(this, gameReportKey); this.addListener("click"); this.on("click", (event: MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); if ((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === "gameReportFormSubmit") { this.submitReport(); } else if ((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === "gameReportFormCancel") { this.close(); } else if ((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === "toggleBlockButton") { this.toggleBlock(); } }); } public open(userUuid: string, userName: string | undefined): void { if (this.opened) { this.close(); return; } this.userUuid = userUuid; this.userName = userName; const mainEl = this.getChildByID("gameReport") as HTMLElement; this.x = this.getCenteredX(mainEl); this.y = this.getHiddenY(mainEl); const gameTitleReport = this.getChildByID("nameReported") as HTMLElement; gameTitleReport.innerText = userName || ""; const blockButton = this.getChildByID("toggleBlockButton") as HTMLElement; blockButton.innerText = blackListManager.isBlackListed(this.userUuid) ? "Unblock this user" : "Block this user"; this.opened = true; gameManager.getCurrentGameScene(this.scene).userInputManager.disableControls(); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this, y: this.getCenteredY(mainEl), duration: 1000, ease: "Power3", }); } public close(): void { gameManager.getCurrentGameScene(this.scene).userInputManager.restoreControls(); this.opened = false; const mainEl = this.getChildByID("gameReport") as HTMLElement; this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this, y: this.getHiddenY(mainEl), duration: 1000, ease: "Power3", }); } //todo: into a parent class? private getCenteredX(mainEl: HTMLElement): number { return window.innerWidth / 4 - mainEl.clientWidth / 2; } private getHiddenY(mainEl: HTMLElement): number { return -mainEl.clientHeight - 50; } private getCenteredY(mainEl: HTMLElement): number { return window.innerHeight / 4 - mainEl.clientHeight / 2; } private toggleBlock(): void { !blackListManager.isBlackListed(this.userUuid) ? blackListManager.blackList(this.userUuid) : blackListManager.cancelBlackList(this.userUuid); this.close(); } private submitReport(): void { const gamePError = this.getChildByID("gameReportErr") as HTMLParagraphElement; gamePError.innerText = ""; = "none"; const gameTextArea = this.getChildByID("gameReportInput") as HTMLInputElement; if (!gameTextArea || !gameTextArea.value) { gamePError.innerText = "Report message cannot to be empty."; = "block"; return; } gameManager .getCurrentGameScene(this.scene) .connection?.emitReportPlayerMessage(this.userUuid, gameTextArea.value); this.close(); } }