import { HtmlUtils } from "./HtmlUtils"; import type { UserInputManager } from "../Phaser/UserInput/UserInputManager"; import { localStreamStore } from "../Stores/MediaStore"; import { screenSharingLocalStreamStore } from "../Stores/ScreenSharingStore"; import { helpCameraSettingsVisibleStore } from "../Stores/HelpCameraSettingsStore"; export type StartScreenSharingCallback = (media: MediaStream) => void; export type StopScreenSharingCallback = (media: MediaStream) => void; import { cowebsiteCloseButtonId } from "./CoWebsiteManager"; import { gameOverlayVisibilityStore } from "../Stores/GameOverlayStoreVisibility"; import { layoutManagerActionStore, layoutManagerVisibilityStore } from "../Stores/LayoutManagerStore"; import { get } from "svelte/store"; export class MediaManager { startScreenSharingCallBacks: Set = new Set(); stopScreenSharingCallBacks: Set = new Set(); private triggerCloseJistiFrame: Map = new Map(); private userInputManager?: UserInputManager; constructor() { localStreamStore.subscribe((result) => { if (result.type === "error") { console.error(result.error); layoutManagerActionStore.addAction({ type: "warning", message: "Camera access denied. Click here and check your browser permissions.", callback: () => { helpCameraSettingsVisibleStore.set(true); layoutManagerVisibilityStore.set(false); }, userInputManager: this.userInputManager, }); layoutManagerVisibilityStore.set(true); return; } }); screenSharingLocalStreamStore.subscribe((result) => { if (result.type === "error") { console.error(result.error); layoutManagerActionStore.addAction({ type: "warning", message: "Screen sharing denied. Click here and check your browser permissions.", callback: () => { helpCameraSettingsVisibleStore.set(true); layoutManagerVisibilityStore.set(false); }, userInputManager: this.userInputManager, }); layoutManagerVisibilityStore.set(true); return; } }); } public showGameOverlay(): void { const gameOverlay = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail("game-overlay"); gameOverlay.classList.add("active"); const buttonCloseFrame = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteCloseButtonId); const functionTrigger = () => { this.triggerCloseJitsiFrameButton(); }; buttonCloseFrame.removeEventListener("click", () => { buttonCloseFrame.blur(); functionTrigger(); }); gameOverlayVisibilityStore.showGameOverlay(); } public hideGameOverlay(): void { const gameOverlay = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail("game-overlay"); gameOverlay.classList.remove("active"); const buttonCloseFrame = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteCloseButtonId); const functionTrigger = () => { this.triggerCloseJitsiFrameButton(); }; buttonCloseFrame.addEventListener("click", () => { buttonCloseFrame.blur(); functionTrigger(); }); gameOverlayVisibilityStore.hideGameOverlay(); } private getScreenSharingId(userId: string): string { return `screen-sharing-${userId}`; } disabledMicrophoneByUserId(userId: number) { const element = document.getElementById(`microphone-${userId}`); if (!element) { return; } element.classList.add("active"); //todo: why does a method 'disable' add a class 'active'? } enabledMicrophoneByUserId(userId: number) { const element = document.getElementById(`microphone-${userId}`); if (!element) { return; } element.classList.remove("active"); //todo: why does a method 'enable' remove a class 'active'? } disabledVideoByUserId(userId: number) { let element = document.getElementById(`${userId}`); if (element) { = "0"; } element = document.getElementById(`name-${userId}`); if (element) { = "block"; } } enabledVideoByUserId(userId: number) { let element = document.getElementById(`${userId}`); if (element) { = "1"; } element = document.getElementById(`name-${userId}`); if (element) { = "none"; } } toggleBlockLogo(userId: number, show: boolean): void { const blockLogoElement = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail("blocking-" + userId); show ? blockLogoElement.classList.add("active") : blockLogoElement.classList.remove("active"); } isError(userId: string): void {"isError", `div-${userId}`); const element = document.getElementById(`div-${userId}`); if (!element) { return; } const errorDiv = element.getElementsByClassName("rtc-error").item(0) as HTMLDivElement | null; if (errorDiv === null) { return; } = "block"; } isErrorScreenSharing(userId: string): void { this.isError(this.getScreenSharingId(userId)); } private getSpinner(userId: string): HTMLDivElement | null { const element = document.getElementById(`div-${userId}`); if (!element) { return null; } const connectingSpinnerDiv = element .getElementsByClassName("connecting-spinner") .item(0) as HTMLDivElement | null; return connectingSpinnerDiv; } public addTriggerCloseJitsiFrameButton(id: String, Function: Function) { this.triggerCloseJistiFrame.set(id, Function); } public removeTriggerCloseJitsiFrameButton(id: String) { this.triggerCloseJistiFrame.delete(id); } private triggerCloseJitsiFrameButton(): void { for (const callback of this.triggerCloseJistiFrame.values()) { callback(); } } public setUserInputManager(userInputManager: UserInputManager) { this.userInputManager = userInputManager; } public hasNotification(): boolean { return Notification.permission === "granted"; } public requestNotification() { if (window.Notification && Notification.permission !== "granted") { return Notification.requestPermission(); } else { return Promise.reject(); } } public createNotification(userName: string) { if (document.hasFocus()) { return; } if (this.hasNotification()) { const title = `${userName} wants to discuss with you`; const options = { icon: "/resources/logos/logo-WA-min.png", image: "/resources/logos/logo-WA-min.png", badge: "/resources/logos/logo-WA-min.png", }; new Notification(title, options); } } } export const mediaManager = new MediaManager();