import {GameManagerInterface} from "./Phaser/Game/GameManager"; const SocketIo = require(''); import Axios from "axios"; import {API_URL} from "./Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; enum EventMessage{ WEBRTC_SIGNAL = "webrtc-signal", WEBRTC_START = "webrtc-start", JOIN_ROOM = "join-room", USER_POSITION = "user-position", MESSAGE_ERROR = "message-error" } class Message { userId: string; roomId: string; constructor(userId : string, roomId : string) { this.userId = userId; this.roomId = roomId; } toJson() { return { userId: this.userId, roomId: this.roomId, } } } export interface PointInterface { x: number; y: number; direction : string; toJson() : object; } class Point implements PointInterface{ x: number; y: number; direction : string; constructor(x : number, y : number, direction : string = "none") { if(x === null || y === null){ throw Error("position x and y cannot be null"); } this.x = x; this.y = y; this.direction = direction; } toJson(){ return { x : this.x, y: this.y, direction: this.direction } } } export interface MessageUserPositionInterface { userId: string; roomId: string; position: PointInterface; } class MessageUserPosition extends Message implements MessageUserPositionInterface{ position: PointInterface; constructor(userId : string, roomId : string, point : Point) { super(userId, roomId); this.position = point; } toString() { return JSON.stringify( Object.assign( super.toJson(), { position: this.position.toJson() }) ); } } export interface ListMessageUserPositionInterface { roomId: string; listUsersPosition: Array; } class ListMessageUserPosition { roomId: string; listUsersPosition: Array; constructor(roomId: string, data: any) { this.roomId = roomId; this.listUsersPosition = new Array(); data.forEach((userPosition: any) => { this.listUsersPosition.push(new MessageUserPosition( userPosition.userId, userPosition.roomId, new Point( userPosition.position.x, userPosition.position.y, userPosition.position.direction ) )); }); } } export interface ConnexionInterface { socket: any; token: string; email: string; userId: string; startedRoom: string; createConnexion(): Promise; joinARoom(roomId: string): void; sharePosition(roomId: string, x: number, y: number, direction: string): void; positionOfAllUser(): void; /*webrtc*/ sendWebrtcSignal(signal: any, roomId: string, userId?: string, receiverId?: string): void; receiveWebrtcSignal(callBack: Function): void; receiveWebrtcStart(callBack: Function): void; } export class Connexion implements ConnexionInterface { socket: any; token: string; email: string; userId: string; startedRoom: string; GameManager: GameManagerInterface; constructor(email: string, GameManager: GameManagerInterface) { = email; this.GameManager = GameManager; } createConnexion(): Promise { return`${API_URL}/login`, {email:}) .then((res) => { this.token =; this.startedRoom =; this.userId =; this.socket = SocketIo(`${API_URL}`, { query: { token: this.token } }); //join the room this.joinARoom(this.startedRoom); //share your first position this.sharePosition(this.startedRoom, 0, 0); this.positionOfAllUser(); this.errorMessage(); return this; }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); throw err; }); } /** * Permit to join a room * @param roomId */ joinARoom(roomId: string): void { let messageUserPosition = new MessageUserPosition(this.userId, this.startedRoom, new Point(0, 0)); this.socket.emit(EventMessage.JOIN_ROOM, messageUserPosition.toString()); } /** * * @param roomId * @param x * @param y * @param direction */ sharePosition(roomId: string, x: number, y: number, direction: string = "none"): void { if (!this.socket) { return; } let messageUserPosition = new MessageUserPosition(this.userId, roomId, new Point(x, y, direction)); this.socket.emit(EventMessage.USER_POSITION, messageUserPosition.toString()); } /** * The data sent is an array with information for each user : * [ * { * userId: , * roomId: , * position: { * x : , * y : , * direction: * } * }, * ... * ] **/ positionOfAllUser(): void { this.socket.on(EventMessage.USER_POSITION, (message: string) => { let dataList = JSON.parse(message); dataList.forEach((UserPositions: any) => { let listMessageUserPosition = new ListMessageUserPosition(UserPositions[0], UserPositions[1]); this.GameManager.shareUserPosition(listMessageUserPosition); }); }); } sendWebrtcSignal(signal: any, roomId: string, userId? : string, receiverId? : string) { this.socket.emit(EventMessage.WEBRTC_SIGNAL, JSON.stringify({ userId: userId ? userId : this.userId, receiverId: receiverId ? receiverId : this.userId, roomId: roomId, signal: signal })); } receiveWebrtcStart(callback: Function) { this.socket.on(EventMessage.WEBRTC_START, callback); } receiveWebrtcSignal(callback: Function) { this.socket.on(EventMessage.WEBRTC_SIGNAL, callback); } errorMessage(): void { this.socket.on(EventMessage.MESSAGE_ERROR, (message: string) => { console.error(EventMessage.MESSAGE_ERROR, message); }) } }