import {EnableCameraSceneName} from "./EnableCameraScene"; import Rectangle = Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle; import {loadAllLayers} from "../Entity/PlayerTexturesLoadingManager"; import Sprite = Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; import Container = Phaser.GameObjects.Container; import {gameManager} from "../Game/GameManager"; import {localUserStore} from "../../Connexion/LocalUserStore"; import {addLoader} from "../Components/Loader"; import type {BodyResourceDescriptionInterface} from "../Entity/PlayerTextures"; import {AbstractCharacterScene} from "./AbstractCharacterScene"; import {areCharacterLayersValid} from "../../Connexion/LocalUser"; import { MenuScene } from "../Menu/MenuScene"; import { SelectCharacterSceneName } from "./SelectCharacterScene"; export const CustomizeSceneName = "CustomizeScene"; export const CustomizeSceneKey = "CustomizeScene"; const customizeSceneKey = 'customizeScene'; export class CustomizeScene extends AbstractCharacterScene { private Rectangle!: Rectangle; private selectedLayers: number[] = [0]; private containersRow: Container[][] = []; private activeRow:number = 0; private layers: BodyResourceDescriptionInterface[][] = []; private customizeSceneElement!: Phaser.GameObjects.DOMElement; constructor() { super({ key: CustomizeSceneName }); } preload() { this.load.html(customizeSceneKey, 'resources/html/CustomCharacterScene.html'); this.layers = loadAllLayers(this.load); this.loadCustomSceneSelectCharacters().then((bodyResourceDescriptions) => { bodyResourceDescriptions.forEach((bodyResourceDescription) => { if(bodyResourceDescription.level == undefined || bodyResourceDescription.level < 0 || bodyResourceDescription.level > 5 ){ throw 'Texture level is null'; } this.layers[bodyResourceDescription.level].unshift(bodyResourceDescription); }); }); //this function must stay at the end of preload function addLoader(this); } create() { this.customizeSceneElement = this.add.dom(-1000, 0).createFromCache(customizeSceneKey); this.centerXDomElement(this.customizeSceneElement, 150); MenuScene.revealMenusAfterInit(this.customizeSceneElement, customizeSceneKey); this.customizeSceneElement.addListener('click'); this.customizeSceneElement.on('click', (event:MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); if((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === 'customizeSceneButtonLeft') { this.moveCursorHorizontally(-1); }else if((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === 'customizeSceneButtonRight') { this.moveCursorHorizontally(1); }else if((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === 'customizeSceneButtonDown') { this.moveCursorVertically(1); }else if((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === 'customizeSceneButtonUp') { this.moveCursorVertically(-1); }else if((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === 'customizeSceneFormBack') { if(this.activeRow > 0){ this.moveCursorVertically(-1); }else{ this.backToPreviousScene(); } }else if((event?.target as HTMLButtonElement).id === 'customizeSceneFormSubmit') { if(this.activeRow < 5){ this.moveCursorVertically(1); }else{ this.nextSceneToCamera(); } } }); this.Rectangle = this.add.rectangle(this.cameras.main.worldView.x + this.cameras.main.width / 2, this.cameras.main.worldView.y + this.cameras.main.height / 3, 32, 33) this.Rectangle.setStrokeStyle(2, 0xFFFFFF); this.add.existing(this.Rectangle); this.createCustomizeLayer(0, 0, 0); this.createCustomizeLayer(0, 0, 1); this.createCustomizeLayer(0, 0, 2); this.createCustomizeLayer(0, 0, 3); this.createCustomizeLayer(0, 0, 4); this.createCustomizeLayer(0, 0, 5); this.moveLayers(); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-ENTER', () => { this.nextSceneToCamera(); }); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-BACKSPACE', () => { this.backToPreviousScene(); }); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-RIGHT', () => this.moveCursorHorizontally(1)); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-LEFT', () => this.moveCursorHorizontally(-1)); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-DOWN', () => this.moveCursorVertically(1)); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-UP', () => this.moveCursorVertically(-1)); const customCursorPosition = localUserStore.getCustomCursorPosition(); if (customCursorPosition) { this.activeRow = customCursorPosition.activeRow; this.selectedLayers = customCursorPosition.selectedLayers; this.moveLayers(); this.updateSelectedLayer(); } this.onResize(); } private moveCursorHorizontally(index: number): void { this.selectedLayers[this.activeRow] += index; if (this.selectedLayers[this.activeRow] < 0) { this.selectedLayers[this.activeRow] = 0 } else if(this.selectedLayers[this.activeRow] > this.layers[this.activeRow].length - 1) { this.selectedLayers[this.activeRow] = this.layers[this.activeRow].length - 1 } this.moveLayers(); this.updateSelectedLayer(); this.saveInLocalStorage(); } private moveCursorVertically(index:number): void { if(index === -1 && this.activeRow === 5){ const button = this.customizeSceneElement.getChildByID('customizeSceneFormSubmit') as HTMLButtonElement; button.innerHTML = `Next `; } if(index === 1 && this.activeRow === 4){ const button = this.customizeSceneElement.getChildByID('customizeSceneFormSubmit') as HTMLButtonElement; button.innerText = 'Finish'; } if(index === -1 && this.activeRow === 1){ const button = this.customizeSceneElement.getChildByID('customizeSceneFormBack') as HTMLButtonElement; button.innerText = `Return`; } if(index === 1 && this.activeRow === 0){ const button = this.customizeSceneElement.getChildByID('customizeSceneFormBack') as HTMLButtonElement; button.innerHTML = `Back `; } this.activeRow += index; if (this.activeRow < 0) { this.activeRow = 0 } else if (this.activeRow > this.layers.length - 1) { this.activeRow = this.layers.length - 1 } this.moveLayers(); this.saveInLocalStorage(); } private saveInLocalStorage() { localUserStore.setCustomCursorPosition(this.activeRow, this.selectedLayers); } /** * @param x, the layer's vertical position * @param y, the layer's horizontal position * @param layerNumber, index of the this.layers array * create the layer and display it on the scene */ private createCustomizeLayer(x: number, y: number, layerNumber: number): void { this.containersRow[layerNumber] = []; this.selectedLayers[layerNumber] = 0; let alpha = 0; let layerPosX = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.layers[layerNumber].length; i++) { const container = this.generateCharacter(300 + x + layerPosX, y, layerNumber, i); this.containersRow[layerNumber][i] = container; this.add.existing(container); layerPosX += 30; alpha += 0.1; } } /** * Generates a character from the current selected items BUT replaces * one layer item with an item we pass in parameter. * * Current selected items are fetched from this.selectedLayers * * @param x, * @param y, * @param layerNumber, The selected layer number (0 for body...) * @param selectedItem, The number of the item select (0 for black body...) */ private generateCharacter(x: number, y: number, layerNumber: number, selectedItem: number) { return new Container(this, x, y,this.getContainerChildren(layerNumber,selectedItem)); } private getContainerChildren(layerNumber: number, selectedItem: number): Array { const children: Array = new Array(); for (let j = 0; j <= layerNumber; j++) { if (j === layerNumber) { children.push(this.generateLayers(0, 0, this.layers[j][selectedItem].name)); } else { const layer = this.selectedLayers[j]; if (layer === undefined) { continue; } children.push(this.generateLayers(0, 0, this.layers[j][layer].name)); } } return children; } /** * Move the layer left, right, up and down and update the selected layer */ private moveLayers(): void { const screenCenterX = this.cameras.main.worldView.x + this.cameras.main.width / 2; const screenCenterY = this.cameras.main.worldView.y + this.cameras.main.height / 3; const screenWidth =; const screenHeight =; for (let i = 0; i < this.containersRow.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < this.containersRow[i].length; j++) { let selectedX = this.selectedLayers[i]; if (selectedX === undefined) { selectedX = 0; } this.containersRow[i][j].x = screenCenterX + (j - selectedX) * 40; this.containersRow[i][j].y = screenCenterY + (i - this.activeRow) * 40; const alpha1 = Math.abs(selectedX - j)*47*2/screenWidth; const alpha2 = Math.abs(this.activeRow - i)*49*2/screenHeight; this.containersRow[i][j].setAlpha((1 -alpha1)*(1 - alpha2)); } } } /** * @param x, the sprite's vertical position * @param y, the sprites's horizontal position * @param name, the sprite's name * @return a new sprite */ private generateLayers(x: number, y: number, name: string): Sprite { return new Sprite(this, x, y, name); } private updateSelectedLayer() { for(let i = 0; i < this.containersRow.length; i++){ for(let j = 0; j < this.containersRow[i].length; j++){ const children = this.getContainerChildren(i, j); this.containersRow[i][j].removeAll(true); this.containersRow[i][j].add(children); } } } update(time: number, delta: number): void { } public onResize(): void { this.moveLayers(); this.Rectangle.x = this.cameras.main.worldView.x + this.cameras.main.width / 2; this.Rectangle.y = this.cameras.main.worldView.y + this.cameras.main.height / 3; this.centerXDomElement(this.customizeSceneElement, 150); } private nextSceneToCamera(){ const layers: string[] = []; let i = 0; for (const layerItem of this.selectedLayers) { if (layerItem !== undefined) { layers.push(this.layers[i][layerItem].name); } i++; } if (!areCharacterLayersValid(layers)) { return; } gameManager.setCharacterLayers(layers); this.scene.sleep(CustomizeSceneName); this.scene.remove(SelectCharacterSceneName); gameManager.tryResumingGame(this, EnableCameraSceneName); } private backToPreviousScene(){ this.scene.sleep(CustomizeSceneName);; } }