import {ConnectionInterface} from "../Connection"; import {MediaManager} from "./MediaManager"; import * as SimplePeerNamespace from "simple-peer"; let Peer: SimplePeerNamespace.SimplePeer = require('simple-peer'); class UserSimplePeer{ userId: string; name?: string; initiator?: boolean; } export class SimplePeer { private Connection: ConnectionInterface; private WebRtcRoomId: string; private Users: Array = new Array(); private MediaManager: MediaManager; private PeerConnectionArray: Map = new Map(); constructor(Connection: ConnectionInterface, WebRtcRoomId: string = "test-webrtc") { this.Connection = Connection; this.WebRtcRoomId = WebRtcRoomId; this.MediaManager = new MediaManager((stream : MediaStream) => { this.updatedLocalStream(); }); this.initialise(); } /** * permit to listen when user could start visio */ private initialise() { //receive signal by gemer this.Connection.receiveWebrtcSignal((message: any) => { this.receiveWebrtcSignal(message); }); this.MediaManager.activeVisio(); this.MediaManager.getCamera().then(() => { //receive message start this.Connection.receiveWebrtcStart((message: any) => { this.receiveWebrtcStart(message); }); }).catch((err) => { console.error("err", err); }); //receive signal by gemer this.Connection.disconnectMessage((data: any) => { this.closeConnection(data.userId); }); } private receiveWebrtcStart(data: any) { this.WebRtcRoomId = data.roomId; this.Users = data.clients; //start connection this.startWebRtc(); } /** * server has two person connected, start the meet */ private startWebRtc() { this.Users.forEach((user: UserSimplePeer) => { //if it's not an initiator, peer connection will be created when gamer will receive offer signal if(!user.initiator){ return; } this.createPeerConnection(user); }); } /** * create peer connection to bind users */ private createPeerConnection(user : UserSimplePeer) { if(this.PeerConnectionArray.has(user.userId)) { return; } let name =; if(!name){ let userSearch = this.Users.find((userSearch: UserSimplePeer) => userSearch.userId === user.userId); if(userSearch) { name =; } } this.MediaManager.removeActiveVideo(user.userId); this.MediaManager.addActiveVideo(user.userId, name); let peer : any = new Peer({ initiator: user.initiator ? user.initiator : false, reconnectTimer: 10000, config: { iceServers: [ { urls: '' }, { urls: '', username: '', credential: 'itcugcOHxle9Acqi$' }, ] }, }); this.PeerConnectionArray.set(user.userId, peer); //start listen signal for the peer connection peer.on('signal', (data: any) => { this.sendWebrtcSignal(data, user.userId); }); peer.on('stream', (stream: MediaStream) => { let videoActive = false; let microphoneActive = false; stream.getTracks().forEach((track : MediaStreamTrack) => { if(track.kind === "audio"){ microphoneActive = true; } if(track.kind === "video"){ videoActive = true; } });, stream); }); /*peer.on('track', (track: MediaStreamTrack, stream: MediaStream) => { });*/ peer.on('close', () => { this.closeConnection(user.userId); }); peer.on('error', (err: any) => { console.error(`error => ${user.userId} => ${err.code}`, err); }); peer.on('connect', () => {`connect => ${user.userId}`); }); peer.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => { let constraint = JSON.parse(chunk.toString('utf8')); if ( { this.MediaManager.enabledMicrophoneByUserId(user.userId); } else { this.MediaManager.disabledMicrophoneByUserId(user.userId); } if ( || constraint.screen) { this.MediaManager.enabledVideoByUserId(user.userId); } else {; this.MediaManager.disabledVideoByUserId(user.userId); } }); this.addMedia(user.userId); } private closeConnection(userId : string) { try { this.MediaManager.removeActiveVideo(userId); if (!this.PeerConnectionArray.get(userId)) { return; } // @ts-ignore this.PeerConnectionArray.get(userId)?.destroy(); this.PeerConnectionArray.delete(userId) } catch (err) { console.error("closeConnection", err) } } /** * * @param userId * @param data */ private sendWebrtcSignal(data: any, userId : string) { try { this.Connection.sendWebrtcSignal(data, this.WebRtcRoomId, null, userId); }catch (e) { console.error(`sendWebrtcSignal => ${userId}`, e); } } private receiveWebrtcSignal(data: any) { try { //if offer type, create peer connection if(data.signal.type === "offer"){ this.createPeerConnection(data); } let peer = this.PeerConnectionArray.get(data.userId); if (peer !== undefined) { peer.signal(data.signal); } else { console.error('Could not find peer whose ID is "'+data.userId+'" in PeerConnectionArray'); } } catch (e) { console.error(`receiveWebrtcSignal => ${data.userId}`, e); } } /** * * @param userId * @param stream */ private stream(userId : any, stream?: MediaStream) { if(!stream){ this.MediaManager.disabledVideoByUserId(userId); this.MediaManager.disabledMicrophoneByUserId(userId); return; } this.MediaManager.addStreamRemoteVideo(userId, stream); } /** * * @param userId */ private addMedia (userId : any = null) { try { let localStream: MediaStream | null = this.MediaManager.localStream; let localScreenCapture: MediaStream | null = this.MediaManager.localScreenCapture; let PeerConnection = this.PeerConnectionArray.get(userId); if (!PeerConnection || PeerConnection === undefined) { throw new Error('While adding media, cannot find user with ID ' + userId); } PeerConnection.write(new Buffer(JSON.stringify(Object.assign(this.MediaManager.constraintsMedia, {screen: localScreenCapture !== null})))); if (localScreenCapture !== null) { for (const track of localScreenCapture.getTracks()) { PeerConnection.addTrack(track, localScreenCapture); } } else if (localStream) { for (const track of localStream.getTracks()) { PeerConnection.addTrack(track, localStream); } } }catch (e) { console.error(`addMedia => addMedia => ${userId}`, e); } } updatedLocalStream(){ this.Users.forEach((user: UserSimplePeer) => { this.addMedia(user.userId); }) } }