export class HtmlUtils { public static getElementByIdOrFail(id: string): T { const elem = document.getElementById(id); if (HtmlUtils.isHtmlElement(elem)) { return elem; } throw new Error("Cannot find HTML element with id '" + id + "'"); } public static getElementById(id: string): T | undefined { const elem = document.getElementById(id); return HtmlUtils.isHtmlElement(elem) ? elem : undefined; } public static querySelectorOrFail(selector: string): T { const elem = document.querySelector(selector); if (HtmlUtils.isHtmlElement(elem)) { return elem; } throw new Error("Cannot find HTML element with selector '" + selector + "'"); } public static removeElementByIdOrFail(id: string): T { const elem = document.getElementById(id); if (HtmlUtils.isHtmlElement(elem)) { elem.remove(); return elem; } throw new Error("Cannot find HTML element with id '" + id + "'"); } public static escapeHtml(html: string): string { const text = document.createTextNode(html); const p = document.createElement("p"); p.appendChild(text); return p.innerHTML; } public static urlify(text: string, style: string = ""): string { const urlRegex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g; text = HtmlUtils.escapeHtml(text); return text.replace(urlRegex, (url: string) => { url = HtmlUtils.htmlDecode(url); const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = url; link.target = "_blank"; const text = document.createTextNode(url); link.appendChild(text); link.setAttribute("style", style); return link.outerHTML; }); } private static htmlDecode(input: string): string { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(input, "text/html"); const text = doc.documentElement.textContent; if (text === null) { throw new Error("Unexpected non parseable string"); } return text; } public static isClickedInside(event: MouseEvent, target: HTMLElement): boolean { return !!event.composedPath().find((et) => et === target); } public static isClickedOutside(event: MouseEvent, target: HTMLElement): boolean { return !this.isClickedInside(event, target); } private static isHtmlElement(elem: HTMLElement | null): elem is T { return elem !== null; } }