import { HdpiManager } from "./HdpiManager"; import ScaleManager = Phaser.Scale.ScaleManager; import { coWebsiteManager } from "../../WebRtc/CoWebsiteManager"; import type { Game } from "../Game/Game"; import { ResizableScene } from "../Login/ResizableScene"; import { HtmlUtils } from "../../WebRtc/HtmlUtils"; export class WaScaleManager { private hdpiManager: HdpiManager; private scaleManager!: ScaleManager; private game!: Game; private actualZoom: number = 1; private _saveZoom: number = 1; private zoomingViaPlayerInputLocked: boolean = false; public constructor(private minGamePixelsNumber: number, private absoluteMinPixelNumber: number) { this.hdpiManager = new HdpiManager(minGamePixelsNumber, absoluteMinPixelNumber); } public setGame(game: Game): void { this.scaleManager = game.scale; = game; } public isZoomingViaPlayerInputLocked(): boolean { return this.zoomingViaPlayerInputLocked; } public lockZoomingViaPlayerInput(lock: boolean = true): void { this.zoomingViaPlayerInputLocked = lock; } public applyNewSize() { const { width, height } = coWebsiteManager.getGameSize(); let devicePixelRatio = 1; if (window.devicePixelRatio) { devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio; } const { game: gameSize, real: realSize } = this.hdpiManager.getOptimalGameSize({ width: width * devicePixelRatio, height: height * devicePixelRatio, }); this.actualZoom = realSize.width / gameSize.width / devicePixelRatio; this.scaleManager.setZoom(realSize.width / gameSize.width / devicePixelRatio); this.scaleManager.resize(gameSize.width, gameSize.height); // Override bug in canvas resizing in Phaser. Let's resize the canvas ourselves const style =; style.width = Math.ceil(realSize.width / devicePixelRatio) + "px"; style.height = Math.ceil(realSize.height / devicePixelRatio) + "px"; // Resize the game element at the same size at the canvas const gameStyle = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail("game").style; gameStyle.width = style.width; gameStyle.height = style.height; // Note: onResize will be called twice (once here and once in Game.ts), but we have no better way. for (const scene of { if (scene instanceof ResizableScene) { // We are delaying the call to the "render" event because otherwise, the "camera" coordinates are not correctly updated., () => scene.onResize()); } }; } public get zoomModifier(): number { return this.hdpiManager.zoomModifier; } public set zoomModifier(zoomModifier: number) { this.hdpiManager.zoomModifier = zoomModifier; this.applyNewSize(); } public saveZoom(): void { this._saveZoom = this.hdpiManager.zoomModifier; } public restoreZoom(): void { this.hdpiManager.zoomModifier = this._saveZoom; this.applyNewSize(); } /** * This is used to scale back the ui components to counter-act the zoom. */ public get uiScalingFactor(): number { return this.actualZoom > 1 ? 1 : 1.2; } } export const waScaleManager = new WaScaleManager(640 * 480, 196 * 196);