Diagrams are rendered with "mermaid.js" sequenceDiagram participant Br as Browser participant P as Pusher participant Ba as Back participant A as Admin Note left of Br: The user has a JWT token Br->>P: /verify: verify the token (no answer) P->>A: /api/check-user: the user must not be banned A->>P: 200 (no body) P->>Br: 200 (no body) Br->>P: connect to websocket /room?roomid=... P->>A: /api/check-user(uuid): the user must not be banned A->>P: 200 (no body) P->>A: /api/membership(uuid): get data from the user A->>P: 200 (user data) Note right of P: Zones are computed on Pusher P->>Ba: doJoinRoom + list of listened zones Ba->>P: RoomJoinedMessage P->>Br: RoomJoinedMessage (users/groups/items/current user id) P->>A: /api/membership(uuid): get data from the user (again!) A->>P: 200 (user data) P->>Br: SendUserMessage (if any message to send)