rewrote the login workflow

This commit is contained in:
arp 2020-09-25 18:29:22 +02:00
parent 783d58d3cb
commit af4611ed29
20 changed files with 290 additions and 278 deletions

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
import {Application, Request, Response} from "express";
import {OK} from "http-status-codes";
import {ADMIN_API_TOKEN, ADMIN_API_URL} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import Axios from "axios";
export class AdminController {
App : Application;
constructor(App : Application) {
this.App = App;
this.App.get("/register/:token", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
return res.status(500).send('No admin backoffice set!');
const token:string = req.params.token;
let response = null
try {
response = await Axios.get(ADMIN_API_URL+'/api/login-url/'+token, { headers: {"Authorization" : `${ADMIN_API_TOKEN}`} })
} catch (e) {
return res.status(e.status || 500).send('An error happened');
const organizationSlug =;
const worldSlug =;
const roomSlug =;
return res.status(OK).send({organizationSlug, worldSlug, roomSlug});

View file

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import {Application, Request, Response} from "express";
import Jwt from "jsonwebtoken";
import {BAD_REQUEST, OK} from "http-status-codes";
import {SECRET_KEY, URL_ROOM_STARTED} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; //TODO fix import by "_Enum/..."
import {OK} from "http-status-codes";
import {ADMIN_API_TOKEN, ADMIN_API_URL, SECRET_KEY, URL_ROOM_STARTED} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; //TODO fix import by "_Enum/..."
import { uuid } from 'uuidv4';
import Axios from "axios";
export interface TokenInterface {
name: string,
@ -20,21 +21,53 @@ export class AuthenticateController {
//permit to login on application. Return token to connect on Websocket IO.
// For now, let's completely forget the /login route."/login", (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const param = req.body;
return res.status(BAD_REQUEST).send({
message: "email parameter is empty""/login", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
//todo: what to do if the organizationMemberToken is already used?
const organizationMemberToken:string|null = req.body.organizationMemberToken;
try {
let userUuid;
let mapUrlStart;
let newUrl = null;
if (organizationMemberToken) {
return res.status(401).send('No admin backoffice set!');
//todo: this call can fail if the corresponding world is not activated or if the token is invalid. Handle that case.
const response = await Axios.get(ADMIN_API_URL+'/api/login-url/'+organizationMemberToken,
{ headers: {"Authorization" : `${ADMIN_API_TOKEN}`} }
userUuid =;
mapUrlStart =;
newUrl = this.getNewUrlOnAdminAuth(
} else {
userUuid = uuid();
newUrl = null;
const authToken = Jwt.sign({userUuid: userUuid} as TokenInterface, SECRET_KEY, {expiresIn: '24h'});
return res.status(OK).send({
//TODO check user email for The Coding Machine game
const userUuid = uuid();
const token = Jwt.sign({name:, userUuid: userUuid} as TokenInterface, SECRET_KEY, {expiresIn: '24h'});
return res.status(OK).send({
token: token,
userId: userUuid,
} catch (e) {
return res.status(e.status || 500).send('An error happened');
getNewUrlOnAdminAuth(data:any): string {
const organizationSlug = data.organizationSlug;
const worldSlug = data.worldSlug;
const roomSlug = data.roomSlug;
return '/@/'+organizationSlug+'/'+worldSlug+'/'+roomSlug;

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import {Connection} from "../front/src/Connection";
import {RoomConnection} from "../front/src/Connexion/Connection";
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function startOneUser(): Promise<void> {
const connection = await Connection.createConnection('foo', ['male3']);
const connection = await RoomConnection.createConnection('foo', ['male3']);
await connection.joinARoom('global__maps.workadventure.localhost/Floor0/floor0', 783, 170, 'down', false, {
top: 0,

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import Axios from "axios";
import {API_URL} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {RoomConnection} from "./RoomConnection";
class ConnectionManager {
private mapUrlStart: string|null = null;
private authToken:string|null = null;
private userUuid: string|null = null;
private userName:string|null = null;
public async init(): Promise<void> {
const match = /\/register\/(.+)/.exec(window.location.toString());
const organizationMemberToken = match ? match[1] : null;
const res = await`${API_URL}/login`, {organizationMemberToken});
this.authToken =;
this.userUuid =;
this.mapUrlStart =;
const newUrl =;
if (newUrl) {
history.pushState({}, '', newUrl);
public async setUserName(name:string): Promise<void> {
public connectToRoomSocket(): Promise<RoomConnection> {
return`${API_URL}/connectToSocket`, {authToken: this.authToken}).then((res) => {
return new Promise<RoomConnection>((resolve, reject) => {
const connection = new RoomConnection(;
connection.onConnectError((error: object) => {
console.log('An error occurred while connecting to socket server. Retrying');
.catch((err) => {
// Let's retry in 4-6 seconds
return new Promise<RoomConnection>((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
//todo: allow a way to break recurrsion?
this.connectToRoomSocket().then((connection) => resolve(connection));
}, 4000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000) );
export const connectionManager = new ConnectionManager();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
import {PlayerAnimationNames} from "../Phaser/Player/Animation";
import {UserSimplePeerInterface} from "../WebRtc/SimplePeer";
import {SignalData} from "simple-peer";
export enum EventMessage{
WEBRTC_SIGNAL = "webrtc-signal",
WEBRTC_SCREEN_SHARING_SIGNAL = "webrtc-screen-sharing-signal",
WEBRTC_START = "webrtc-start",
JOIN_ROOM = "join-room", // bi-directional
USER_POSITION = "user-position", // From client to server
USER_MOVED = "user-moved", // From server to client
USER_LEFT = "user-left", // From server to client
MESSAGE_ERROR = "message-error",
WEBRTC_DISCONNECT = "webrtc-disconect",
GROUP_CREATE_UPDATE = "group-create-update",
GROUP_DELETE = "group-delete",
SET_PLAYER_DETAILS = "set-player-details", // Send the name and character to the server (on connect), receive back the id.
ITEM_EVENT = 'item-event',
CONNECT_ERROR = "connect_error",
SET_SILENT = "set_silent", // Set or unset the silent mode for this user.
SET_VIEWPORT = "set-viewport",
BATCH = "batch",
export interface PointInterface {
x: number;
y: number;
direction : string;
moving: boolean;
export class Point implements PointInterface{
constructor(public x : number, public y : number, public direction : string = PlayerAnimationNames.WalkDown, public moving : boolean = false) {
if(x === null || y === null){
throw Error("position x and y cannot be null");
export interface MessageUserPositionInterface {
userId: number;
name: string;
characterLayers: string[];
position: PointInterface;
export interface MessageUserMovedInterface {
userId: number;
position: PointInterface;
export interface MessageUserJoined {
userId: number;
name: string;
characterLayers: string[];
position: PointInterface
export interface PositionInterface {
x: number,
y: number
export interface GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface {
position: PositionInterface,
groupId: number
export interface WebRtcStartMessageInterface {
roomId: string,
clients: UserSimplePeerInterface[]
export interface WebRtcDisconnectMessageInterface {
userId: number
export interface WebRtcSignalSentMessageInterface {
receiverId: number,
signal: SignalData
export interface WebRtcSignalReceivedMessageInterface {
userId: number,
signal: SignalData
export interface StartMapInterface {
mapUrlStart: string,
startInstance: string
export interface ViewportInterface {
left: number,
top: number,
right: number,
bottom: number,
export interface BatchedMessageInterface {
event: string,
payload: unknown
export interface ItemEventMessageInterface {
itemId: number,
event: string,
state: unknown,
parameters: unknown
export interface RoomJoinedMessageInterface {
users: MessageUserPositionInterface[],
groups: GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface[],
items: { [itemId: number] : unknown }

View file

@ -1,142 +1,34 @@
import Axios from "axios";
import {API_URL} from "./Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {MessageUI} from "./Logger/MessageUI";
import {API_URL} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {
BatchMessage, GroupDeleteMessage, GroupUpdateMessage, ItemEventMessage,
SetPlayerDetailsMessage, UserJoinedMessage, UserLeftMessage, UserMovedMessage,
} from "./Messages/generated/messages_pb"
} from "../Messages/generated/messages_pb"
const SocketIo = require('');
import Socket = SocketIOClient.Socket;
import {PlayerAnimationNames} from "./Phaser/Player/Animation";
import {UserSimplePeerInterface} from "./WebRtc/SimplePeer";
import {SignalData} from "simple-peer";
import Direction = PositionMessage.Direction;
import {ProtobufClientUtils} from "./Network/ProtobufClientUtils";
import {ProtobufClientUtils} from "../Network/ProtobufClientUtils";
import {
GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface, ItemEventMessageInterface,
ViewportInterface, WebRtcDisconnectMessageInterface,
} from "./ConnexionModels";
enum EventMessage{
WEBRTC_SIGNAL = "webrtc-signal",
WEBRTC_SCREEN_SHARING_SIGNAL = "webrtc-screen-sharing-signal",
WEBRTC_START = "webrtc-start",
JOIN_ROOM = "join-room", // bi-directional
USER_POSITION = "user-position", // From client to server
USER_MOVED = "user-moved", // From server to client
USER_LEFT = "user-left", // From server to client
MESSAGE_ERROR = "message-error",
WEBRTC_DISCONNECT = "webrtc-disconect",
GROUP_CREATE_UPDATE = "group-create-update",
GROUP_DELETE = "group-delete",
SET_PLAYER_DETAILS = "set-player-details", // Send the name and character to the server (on connect), receive back the id.
ITEM_EVENT = 'item-event',
CONNECT_ERROR = "connect_error",
SET_SILENT = "set_silent", // Set or unset the silent mode for this user.
SET_VIEWPORT = "set-viewport",
BATCH = "batch",
export interface PointInterface {
x: number;
y: number;
direction : string;
moving: boolean;
export class Point implements PointInterface{
constructor(public x : number, public y : number, public direction : string = PlayerAnimationNames.WalkDown, public moving : boolean = false) {
if(x === null || y === null){
throw Error("position x and y cannot be null");
export interface MessageUserPositionInterface {
userId: number;
name: string;
characterLayers: string[];
position: PointInterface;
export interface MessageUserMovedInterface {
userId: number;
position: PointInterface;
export interface MessageUserJoined {
userId: number;
name: string;
characterLayers: string[];
position: PointInterface
export interface PositionInterface {
x: number,
y: number
export interface GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface {
position: PositionInterface,
groupId: number
export interface WebRtcStartMessageInterface {
roomId: string,
clients: UserSimplePeerInterface[]
export interface WebRtcDisconnectMessageInterface {
userId: number
export interface WebRtcSignalSentMessageInterface {
receiverId: number,
signal: SignalData
export interface WebRtcSignalReceivedMessageInterface {
userId: number,
signal: SignalData
export interface StartMapInterface {
mapUrlStart: string,
startInstance: string
export interface ViewportInterface {
left: number,
top: number,
right: number,
bottom: number,
export interface BatchedMessageInterface {
event: string,
payload: unknown
export interface ItemEventMessageInterface {
itemId: number,
event: string,
state: unknown,
parameters: unknown
export interface RoomJoinedMessageInterface {
users: MessageUserPositionInterface[],
groups: GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface[],
items: { [itemId: number] : unknown }
export class Connection implements Connection {
export class RoomConnection implements RoomConnection {
private readonly socket: Socket;
private userId: number|null = null;
private batchCallbacks: Map<string, Function[]> = new Map<string, Function[]>();
private constructor(token: string) {
public constructor(token: string) {
this.socket = SocketIo(`${API_URL}`, {
query: {
@ -190,38 +82,14 @@ export class Connection implements Connection {
public static createConnection(name: string, characterLayersSelected: string[]): Promise<Connection> {
return`${API_URL}/login`, {name: name})
.then((res) => {
return new Promise<Connection>((resolve, reject) => {
const connection = new Connection(;
connection.onConnectError((error: object) => {
console.log('An error occurred while connecting to socket server. Retrying');
const message = new SetPlayerDetailsMessage();
connection.socket.emit(EventMessage.SET_PLAYER_DETAILS, message.serializeBinary().buffer, (id: number) => {
connection.userId = id;
.catch((err) => {
// Let's retry in 4-6 seconds
return new Promise<Connection>((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
Connection.createConnection(name, characterLayersSelected).then((connection) => resolve(connection))
.catch((error) => reject(error));
}, 4000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000) );
public emitPlayerDetailsMessage(characterLayersSelected: string[]) {
const message = new SetPlayerDetailsMessage();
this.socket.emit(EventMessage.SET_PLAYER_DETAILS, message.serializeBinary().buffer, (id: number) => {
this.userId = id;
public closeConnection(): void {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {PositionMessage} from "../Messages/generated/messages_pb";
import {PointInterface} from "../Connection";
import Direction = PositionMessage.Direction;
import {PointInterface} from "../Connexion/ConnexionModels";
export class ProtobufClientUtils {

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import {GameScene} from "../Game/GameScene";
import {PointInterface} from "../../Connection";
import {PointInterface} from "../../Connexion/ConnexionModels";
import {Character} from "../Entity/Character";

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import {PointInterface} from "../../Connection";
import {PointInterface} from "../../Connexion/Connection";
export interface AddPlayerInterface {
userId: number;

View file

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import {GameScene} from "./GameScene";
import {
} from "../../Connection";
} from "../../Connexion/ConnexionModels";
import Axios from "axios";
import {API_URL} from "../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {adminDataFetchPromise} from "../../register";
export interface HasMovedEvent {
direction: string;
@ -29,13 +30,23 @@ export class GameManager {
loadStartMap() : Promise<StartMapInterface> {
return Axios.get(`${API_URL}/start-map`)
.then((res) => {
}).catch((err) => {
throw err;
if (adminDataFetchPromise) {
return adminDataFetchPromise.then(data => {
return {
mapUrlStart: data.mapUrlStart,
startInstance: data.startInstance,
} else {
//todo: remove this call, merge with the admin workflow?
return Axios.get(`${API_URL}/start-map`)
.then((res) => {
}).catch((err) => {
throw err;
getPlayerName(): string {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import {GameManager, gameManager, HasMovedEvent} from "./GameManager";
import {
@ -8,7 +7,7 @@ import {
} from "../../Connection";
} from "../../Connexion/ConnexionModels";
import {CurrentGamerInterface, hasMovedEventName, Player} from "../Player/Player";
import {DEBUG_MODE, JITSI_URL, POSITION_DELAY, RESOLUTION, ZOOM_LEVEL} from "../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {
@ -42,6 +41,8 @@ import {ActionableItem} from "../Items/ActionableItem";
import {UserInputManager} from "../UserInput/UserInputManager";
import {UserMovedMessage} from "../../Messages/generated/messages_pb";
import {ProtobufClientUtils} from "../../Network/ProtobufClientUtils";
import {connectionManager} from "../../Connexion/ConnectionManager";
import {RoomConnection} from "../../Connexion/RoomConnection";
export enum Textures {
@ -100,9 +101,9 @@ export class GameScene extends Phaser.Scene implements CenterListener {
pendingEvents: Queue<InitUserPositionEventInterface|AddPlayerEventInterface|RemovePlayerEventInterface|UserMovedEventInterface|GroupCreatedUpdatedEventInterface|DeleteGroupEventInterface> = new Queue<InitUserPositionEventInterface|AddPlayerEventInterface|RemovePlayerEventInterface|UserMovedEventInterface|GroupCreatedUpdatedEventInterface|DeleteGroupEventInterface>();
private initPosition: PositionInterface|null = null;
private playersPositionInterpolator = new PlayersPositionInterpolator();
private connection!: Connection;
private connection!: RoomConnection;
private simplePeer!: SimplePeer;
private connectionPromise!: Promise<Connection>
private connectionPromise!: Promise<RoomConnection>
private connectionAnswerPromise: Promise<RoomJoinedMessageInterface>;
private connectionAnswerPromiseResolve!: (value?: RoomJoinedMessageInterface | PromiseLike<RoomJoinedMessageInterface>) => void;
// A promise that will resolve when the "create" method is called (signaling loading is ended)
@ -202,8 +203,10 @@ export class GameScene extends Phaser.Scene implements CenterListener {
this.load.bitmapFont('main_font', 'resources/fonts/arcade.png', 'resources/fonts/arcade.xml');
this.connectionPromise = Connection.createConnection(gameManager.getPlayerName(), gameManager.getCharacterSelected()).then((connection : Connection) => {
this.connectionPromise = connectionManager.connectToRoomSocket().then((connection : RoomConnection) => {
this.connection = connection;
connection.onUserJoins((message: MessageUserJoined) => {
const userMessage: AddPlayerInterface = {
@ -778,7 +781,7 @@ export class GameScene extends Phaser.Scene implements CenterListener {
//join room
this.connectionPromise.then((connection: Connection) => {
this.connectionPromise.then((connection: RoomConnection) => {
const camera = this.cameras.main;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {HasMovedEvent} from "./GameManager";
import {MAX_EXTRAPOLATION_TIME} from "../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {PositionInterface} from "../../Connection";
import {PositionInterface} from "../../Connexion/ConnexionModels";
export class PlayerMovement {
public constructor(private startPosition: PositionInterface, private startTick: number, private endPosition: HasMovedEvent, private endTick: number) {

View file

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
import {gameManager} from "../Game/GameManager";
import {TextField} from "../Components/TextField";
import {ClickButton} from "../Components/ClickButton";
import Image = Phaser.GameObjects.Image;
import Rectangle = Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle;
import {PLAYER_RESOURCES, PlayerResourceDescriptionInterface} from "../Entity/Character";
import {GameSceneInitInterface} from "../Game/GameScene";
import {StartMapInterface} from "../../Connection";
import {mediaManager, MediaManager} from "../../WebRtc/MediaManager";
import {StartMapInterface} from "../../Connexion/ConnexionModels";
import {mediaManager} from "../../WebRtc/MediaManager";
import {RESOLUTION} from "../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {SoundMeter} from "../Components/SoundMeter";
import {SoundMeterSprite} from "../Components/SoundMeterSprite";

View file

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ import {TextField} from "../Components/TextField";
import Image = Phaser.GameObjects.Image;
import Rectangle = Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle;
import {PLAYER_RESOURCES, PlayerResourceDescriptionInterface} from "../Entity/Character";
import {GameSceneInitInterface} from "../Game/GameScene";
import {StartMapInterface} from "../../Connection";
import {EnableCameraSceneName} from "./EnableCameraScene";
import {CustomizeSceneName} from "./CustomizeScene";

View file

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
import {PlayerAnimationNames} from "./Animation";
import {GameScene, Textures} from "../Game/GameScene";
import {MessageUserPositionInterface, PointInterface} from "../../Connection";
import {ActiveEventList, UserInputEvent, UserInputManager} from "../UserInput/UserInputManager";
import {GameScene} from "../Game/GameScene";
import {UserInputEvent, UserInputManager} from "../UserInput/UserInputManager";
import {Character} from "../Entity/Character";
import {OutlinePipeline} from "../Shaders/OutlinePipeline";
export const hasMovedEventName = "hasMoved";

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import * as SimplePeerNamespace from "simple-peer";
import {mediaManager} from "./MediaManager";
import {Connection} from "../Connection";
import {TURN_SERVER, TURN_USER, TURN_PASSWORD} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {RoomConnection} from "../Connexion/RoomConnection";
const Peer: SimplePeerNamespace.SimplePeer = require('simple-peer');
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export class ScreenSharingPeer extends Peer {
private isReceivingStream:boolean = false;
constructor(private userId: number, initiator: boolean, private connection: Connection) {
constructor(private userId: number, initiator: boolean, private connection: RoomConnection) {
initiator: initiator ? initiator : false,
reconnectTimer: 10000,

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
import {
} from "../Connection";
} from "../Connexion/ConnexionModels";
import {
@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ import {
import * as SimplePeerNamespace from "simple-peer";
import {ScreenSharingPeer} from "./ScreenSharingPeer";
import {VideoPeer} from "./VideoPeer";
import {RoomConnection} from "../Connexion/RoomConnection";
const Peer: SimplePeerNamespace.SimplePeer = require('simple-peer');
export interface UserSimplePeerInterface{
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export interface PeerConnectionListener {
* This class manages connections to all the peers in the same group as me.
export class SimplePeer {
private Connection: Connection;
private Connection: RoomConnection;
private WebRtcRoomId: string;
private Users: Array<UserSimplePeerInterface> = new Array<UserSimplePeerInterface>();
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ export class SimplePeer {
private readonly stopLocalScreenSharingStreamCallback: StopScreenSharingCallback;
private readonly peerConnectionListeners: Array<PeerConnectionListener> = new Array<PeerConnectionListener>();
constructor(Connection: Connection, WebRtcRoomId: string = "test-webrtc") {
constructor(Connection: RoomConnection, WebRtcRoomId: string = "test-webrtc") {
this.Connection = Connection;
this.WebRtcRoomId = WebRtcRoomId;
// We need to go through this weird bound function pointer in order to be able to "free" this reference later.

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import * as SimplePeerNamespace from "simple-peer";
import {mediaManager} from "./MediaManager";
import {Connection} from "../Connection";
import {TURN_PASSWORD, TURN_SERVER, TURN_USER} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {RoomConnection} from "../Connexion/RoomConnection";
const Peer: SimplePeerNamespace.SimplePeer = require('simple-peer');
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const Peer: SimplePeerNamespace.SimplePeer = require('simple-peer');
* A peer connection used to transmit video / audio signals between 2 peers.
export class VideoPeer extends Peer {
constructor(private userId: number, initiator: boolean, private connection: Connection) {
constructor(private userId: number, initiator: boolean, private connection: RoomConnection) {
initiator: initiator ? initiator : false,
reconnectTimer: 10000,

View file

@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ import WebGLRenderer = Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLRenderer;
import {OutlinePipeline} from "./Phaser/Shaders/OutlinePipeline";
import {CustomizeScene} from "./Phaser/Login/CustomizeScene";
import {CoWebsiteManager} from "./WebRtc/CoWebsiteManager";
import {redirectIfToken} from "./register";
import {connectionManager} from "./Connexion/ConnectionManager";
let connectionData //todo: do something with this data
redirectIfToken().then(res => connectionData = res);
// Load Jitsi if the environment variable is set.
if (JITSI_URL) {

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
import Axios from "axios";
import {API_URL} from "./Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
declare let history:History;
//todo: better naming
export interface ConnexionData {
organizationSlug: string,
worldSlug: string,
roomSlug: string,
export async function redirectIfToken(): Promise<ConnexionData | null> {
const match = /\/register\/(.+)/.exec(window.location.toString());
if (!match) {
return null
let res = null;
try {
res = await Axios.get(`${API_URL}/register/`+match[1])
} catch (e) {
return null;
const organizationSlug =;
const worldSlug =;
const roomSlug =;
const connexionUrl = '/@/'+organizationSlug+'/'+worldSlug+'/'+roomSlug;
history.pushState({}, '', connexionUrl);
return {organizationSlug, worldSlug, roomSlug};