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+++ 2048026c27 neue ordnerstruktur, php-code hinzugefügt
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zapcallib.php für iCalendar files hinzugefügt,
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2022-02-18 11:59:12 +01:00

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* date.php - date helper class
* @package ZapCalLib
* @author Dan Cogliano <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006 - 2017 by Dan Cogliano
* @license GNU GPLv3 <>
* @link
// No direct access
defined('_ZAPCAL') or die( 'Restricted access' );
* Zap Calendar Date Helper Class
* Helper class for various date functions
class ZDateHelper {
* Find the number of days in a month
* @param int $month Month is between 1 and 12 inclusive
* @param int $year is between 1 and 32767 inclusive
* @return int
static function DayInMonth($month, $year) {
$daysInMonth = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
if ($month != 2) return $daysInMonth[$month - 1];
return (checkdate($month, 29, $year)) ? 29 : 28;
* Is given date today?
* @param int $date date in Unix timestamp format
* @param int $tzid PHP recognized timezone (default is UTC)
* @return bool
static function isToday($date, $tzid = "UTC") {
$dtz = new DateTimeZone($tzid);
$dt = new DateTime("now", $dtz);
$now = time() + $dtz->getOffset($dt);
return gmdate('Y-m-d', $date) == gmdate('Y-m-d', $now);
* Is given date before today?
* @param int $date date in Unix timestamp format
* @param int $tzid PHP recognized timezone (default is UTC)
* @return bool
static function isBeforeToday($date, $tzid = "UTC"){
$dtz = new DateTimeZone($tzid);
$dt = new DateTime("now", $dtz);
$now = time() + $dtz->getOffset($dt);
return mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$now),date('d',$now),date('Y',$now)) >
* Is given date after today?
* @param int $date date in Unix timestamp format
* @param int $tzid PHP recognized timezone (default is UTC)
* @return bool
static function isAfterToday($date, $tzid = "UTC"){
$dtz = new DateTimeZone($tzid);
$dt = new DateTime("now", $dtz);
$now = time() + $dtz->getOffset($dt);
return mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$now),date('d',$now),date('Y',$now)) <
* Is given date tomorrow?
* @param int $date date in Unix timestamp format
* @param int $tzid PHP recognized timezone (default is UTC)
* @return bool
static function isTomorrow($date, $tzid = "UTC") {
$dtz = new DateTimeZone($tzid);
$dt = new DateTime("now", $dtz);
$now = time() + $dtz->getOffset($dt);
return gmdate('Y-m-d', $date) == gmdate('Y-m-d', $now + 60 * 60 * 24);
* Is given date in the future?
* This routine differs from isAfterToday() in that isFuture() will
* return true for date-time values later in the same day.
* @param int $date date in Unix timestamp format
* @param int $tzid PHP recognized timezone (default is UTC)
* @return bool
static function isFuture($date, $tzid = "UTC"){
$dtz = new DateTimeZone($tzid);
$dt = new DateTime("now", $dtz);
$now = time() + $dtz->getOffset($dt);
return $date > $now;
* Is given date in the past?
* This routine differs from isBeforeToday() in that isPast() will
* return true for date-time values earlier in the same day.
* @param int $date date in Unix timestamp format
* @param int $tzid PHP recognized timezone (default is UTC)
* @return bool
static function isPast($date, $tzid = "UTC") {
$dtz = new DateTimeZone($tzid);
$dt = new DateTime("now", $dtz);
$now = time() + $dtz->getOffset($dt);
return $date < $now;
* Return current Unix timestamp in local timezone
* @param string $tzid PHP recognized timezone
* @return int
static function now($tzid = "UTC"){
$dtz = new DateTimeZone($tzid);
$dt = new DateTime("now", $dtz);
$now = time() + $dtz->getOffset($dt);
return $now;
* Is given date fall on a weekend?
* @param int $date Unix timestamp
* @return bool
static function isWeekend($date) {
$dow = gmdate('w',$date);
return $dow == 0 || $dow == 6;
* Format Unix timestamp to SQL date-time
* @param int $t Unix timestamp
* @return string
static function toSqlDateTime($t = 0)
if($t == 0)
return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s',self::now());
return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $t);
* Format Unix timestamp to SQL date
* @param int $t Unix timestamp
* @return string
static function toSqlDate($t = 0)
if($t == 0)
return gmdate('Y-m-d',self::now());
return gmdate('Y-m-d', $t);
* Format iCal date-time string to Unix timestamp
* @param string $datetime in iCal time format ( YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS or YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ )
* @return int Unix timestamp
static function fromiCaltoUnixDateTime($datetime) {
// first check format
$formats = array();
$formats[] = "/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/";
$formats[] = "/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]T[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/";
$formats[] = "/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]T[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]Z/";
$ok = false;
foreach($formats as $format){
$ok = true;
return null;
$year = substr($datetime,0,4);
$month = substr($datetime,4,2);
$day = substr($datetime,6,2);
$hour = 0;
$minute = 0;
$second = 0;
if(strlen($datetime) > 8 && $datetime[8] == "T") {
$hour = substr($datetime,9,2);
$minute = substr($datetime,11,2);
$second = substr($datetime,13,2);
return gmmktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
* Format Unix timestamp to iCal date-time string
* @param int $datetime Unix timestamp
* @return string
static function fromUnixDateTimetoiCal($datetime){
return gmdate("Ymd\THis",$datetime);
* Convert iCal duration string to # of seconds
* @param string $duration iCal duration string
* return int
static function iCalDurationtoSeconds($duration) {
$secs = 0;
if($duration[0] == "P") {
$duration = str_replace(array("H","M","S","T","D","W","P"),array("H,","M,","S,","","D,","W,",""),$duration);
$dur2 = explode(",",$duration);
foreach($dur2 as $dur){
if(strlen($dur) > 0){
switch($dur{strlen($dur) - 1}) {
case "H":
$secs += 60*60 * $val;
case "M":
$secs += 60 * $val;
case "S":
$secs += $val;
case "D":
$secs += 60*60*24 * $val;
case "W":
$secs += 60*60*24*7 * $val;
return $secs;
* Check if day falls within date range
* @param int $daystart start of day in Unix timestamp format
* @param int $begin Unix timestamp of starting date range
* @param int $end Unix timestamp of end date range
* @return bool
static function inDay($daystart, $begin, $end)
//$dayend = $daystart + 60*60*24 - 60;
// add 1 day to determine end of day
// don't use 24 hours, since twice a year DST Sundays are 23 hours and 25 hours in length
// adding 1 day takes this into account
$dayend = self::addDate($daystart, 0,0,0,0,1,0);
$end = max($begin, $end); // $end can't be less than $begin
$inday =
($daystart <= $begin && $begin < $dayend)
||($daystart < $end && $end < $dayend)
||($begin <= $daystart && $end > $dayend)
return $inday;
* Convert SQL date or date-time to Unix timestamp
* @param string $datetime SQL date or date-time
* @return int Unix date-time timestamp
static function toUnixDate($datetime)
$year = substr($datetime,0,4);
$month = substr($datetime,5,2);
$day = substr($datetime,8,2);
return mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
* Convert SQL date or date-time to Unix date timestamp
* @param string $datetime SQL date or date-time
* @return int Unix timestamp
static function toUnixDateTime($datetime)
// convert to absolute dates if neccessary
$datetime = self::getAbsDate($datetime);
$year = substr($datetime,0,4);
$month = substr($datetime,5,2);
$day = substr($datetime,8,2);
$hour = 0;
$minute = 0;
$second = 0;
if(strlen($datetime) > 10) {
$hour = substr($datetime,11,2);
$minute = substr($datetime,14,2);
$second = substr($datetime,17,2);
return gmmktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
* Date math: add or substract from current date to get a new date
* @param int $date date to add or subtract from
* @param int $hour add or subtract hours from date
* @param int $min add or subtract minutes from date
* @param int $sec add or subtract seconds from date
* @param int $month add or subtract months from date
* @param int $day add or subtract days from date
* @param int $year add or subtract years from date
* @param string $tzid PHP recognized timezone (default is UTC)
static function addDate($date, $hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year, $tzid = "UTC") {
$sqldate = self::toSQLDateTime($date);
$tdate = array();
$tdate["year"] = substr($sqldate,0,4);
$tdate["mon"] = substr($sqldate,5,2);
$tdate["mday"] = substr($sqldate,8,2);
$tdate["hours"] = substr($sqldate,11,2);
$tdate["minutes"] = substr($sqldate,14,2);
$tdate["seconds"] = substr($sqldate,17,2);
$newdate=mktime($tdate["hours"] + $hour, $tdate["minutes"] + $min, $tdate["seconds"] + $sec, $tdate["mon"] + $month, $tdate["mday"] + $day, $tdate["year"] + $year);
//echo self::toSQLDateTime($date) . " => " . self::toSQLDateTime($newdate) . " ($hour:$min:$sec $month/$day/$year)<br/>\n";
return $newdate;
* Date math: get date from week and day in specifiec month
* This routine finds actual dates for the second Tuesday of the month, last Friday of the month, etc.
* For second Tuesday, use $week = 1, $wday = 2
* for last Friday, use $week = -1, $wday = 5
* @param int $date Unix timestamp
* @param int $week week number, 0 is first week, -1 is last
* @param int $wday day of week, 0 is Sunday, 6 is Saturday
* @param string $tzid PHP supported timezone
* @return int Unix timestamp
static function getDateFromDay($date, $week, $wday,$tzid="UTC") {
//echo "getDateFromDay(" . self::toSqlDateTime($date) . ",$week,$wday)<br/>\n";
// determine first day in month
$tdate = getdate($date);
$monthbegin = gmmktime(0,0,0, $tdate["mon"],1,$tdate["year"]);
$monthend = self::addDate($monthbegin, 0,0,0,1,-1,0,$tzid); // add 1 month and subtract 1 day
$day = self::addDate($date,0,0,0,0,1 - $tdate["mday"],0,$tzid);
$month = array(array());
while($day <= $monthend) {
//echo self::toSQLDateTime($day) . "<br/>\n";
$day = self::addDate($day, 0,0,0,0,1,0,$tzid); // add 1 day
if($week >= 0)
$dayinmonth = $month[$wday][$week];
$dayinmonth = $month[$wday][count($month[$wday]) - 1];
//echo "return " . self::toSQLDateTime($dayinmonth);
return $dayinmonth;
* Convert UTC date-time to local date-time
* @param string $sqldate SQL date-time string
* @param string $tzid PHP recognized timezone (default is "UTC")
* @return string SQL date-time string
static function toLocalDateTime($sqldate, $tzid = "UTC" ){
$timezone = new DateTimeZone($tzid);
catch(Exception $e)
// bad time zone specified
return $sqldate;
$udate = self::toUnixDateTime($sqldate);
$daydatetime = new DateTime("@" . $udate);
$tzoffset = $timezone->getOffset($daydatetime);
return self::toSqlDateTime($udate + $tzoffset);
* Convert local date-time to UTC date-time
* @param string $sqldate SQL date-time string
* @param string $tzid PHP recognized timezone (default is "UTC")
* @return string SQL date-time string
static function toUTCDateTime($sqldate, $tzid = "UTC" ){
$date = new DateTime($sqldate, $tzid);
catch(Exception $e)
// bad time zone specified
return $sqldate;
$offset = $date->getOffsetFromGMT();
if($offset >= 0)
$date->sub(new DateInterval("PT".$offset."S"));
$date->add(new DateInterval("PT".abs($offset)."S"));
return $date->toSql(true);
* Convert from a relative date to an absolute date
* Examples of relative dates are "-2y" for 2 years ago, "18m"
* for 18 months after today. Relative date uses "y", "m" and "d" for
* year, month and day. Relative date can be combined into comma
* separated list, i.e., "-1y,-1d" for 1 year and 1 day ago.
* @param string $date relative date string (i.e. "1y" for 1 year from today)
* @param string $rdate reference date, or blank for current date (in SQL date-time format)
* @return string in SQL date-time format
static function getAbsDate($date,$rdate = ""){
if(str_replace(array("y","m","d","h","n"),"",strtolower($date)) != strtolower($date)){
if($rdate == "")
$udate = time();
$udate = self::toUnixDateTime($rdate);
$y = 0;
$m = 0;
$d = 0;
$h = 0;
$n = 0;
foreach($values as $value){
$rtype = substr($value,strlen($value)-1);
$rvalue = intval(substr($value,0,strlen($value) - 1));
case 'y':
$y = $rvalue;
case 'm':
$m = $rvalue;
case 'd':
$d = $rvalue;
case 'h':
$h = $rvalue;
case 'n':
$n = $rvalue;
// for "-" values, move to start of day , otherwise, move to end of day
if($rvalue[0] == '-')
$udate = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$udate),date('d',$udate),date('Y',$udate));
$udate = mktime(0,-1,0,date('m',$udate),date('d',$udate)+1,date('Y',$udate));
$udate = self::addDate($udate,$h,$n,0,$m,$d,$y);
$date = self::toSqlDateTime($udate);
return $date;
* Format Unix timestamp to iCal date-time format
* @param int $datetime Unix timestamp
* @return string iCal date-time string
static function toiCalDateTime($datetime = null){
if($datetime == null)
$datetime = time();
return gmdate("Ymd\THis",$datetime);
* Format Unix timestamp to iCal date format
* @param int $datetime Unix timestamp
* @return string iCal date-time string
static function toiCalDate($datetime = null){
if($datetime == null)
$datetime = time();
return gmdate("Ymd",$datetime);