#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # file: dsa.py # date: 26.07.2020 # desc: Serves debians security alerts import logging import urllib3 import threading from lxml import etree from manager import Plugin import common logging = logging.getLogger() class Plugin(Plugin): ''' Fetchs debians security alerts, grabs title and links and sends it to the muc. ''' __module = __name__ __command = 'dsa' __description = 'Serves debians security alerts' @staticmethod def get_module(): return Plugin.__module @staticmethod def get_command(): return Plugin.__command @staticmethod def get_description(): return Plugin.__description def __init__(self, callback=None): self.callback = callback def help(self): return ('!dsa serves the actual debian security alerts. A given ' 'number reduces the count of alerts displayed to number. ' '\nSyntax: !dsa ') def run(self, stanza): ''' Starts a thread to grab debians security alerts returns immediately. param 1: stanza object ''' call_msg = 'Call "!help {}"'.format(self.get_command()) no_count_msg = ' '.join(('Not a valid count: "{}"!', call_msg)) count = False muc_nick = common.get_nick_from_stanza(stanza) arguments = common.get_arguments_from_body(stanza) if arguments is not False: count = self.get_count(arguments[0]) if count is False: message = no_count_msg.format(arguments[0].strip()) self.callback(': '.join((muc_nick, message))) return logging.debug('Start thread for debian security alerts') dsa_thread = DsaThread(self.callback, count) dsa_thread.run() logging.debug('DSA Thread started') def get_count(self, item): ''' Try to convert a string into integer. param 1: string retuns: integer or false ''' try: value = int(item.strip()) return value except Exception as e: logging.warning('Invalid value for count: {}'.format(item)) logging.warning('Exception: {}'.format(e)) return False class DsaThread(threading.Thread): ''' The thread who fetched and returns the wp search. ''' def __init__(self, callback, count): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.callback = callback self.count = count def run(self): ''' Starts the thread. ''' dsa_response = self.get_file() if dsa_response == False: self.callback('Error while fetching DSA') else: status = dsa_response.status logging.debug("Server returns {}".format(status)) if status != 200: self.callback('Server returns {}'.format(status)) xmldoc = etree.fromstring(dsa_response.data) message = self.string_factory(xmldoc) self.callback(message) def string_factory(self, xmldoc): ''' Extracts interested things from the given dsa xml document and creates a string to post im muc. param 1: xml object ''' message = 'Debian Security Alerts:' nsmap = { "purl": "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/", "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", } about_list = xmldoc.xpath('//purl:item/@rdf:about', namespaces=nsmap) if self.count is False or self.count >= len(about_list): self.count = len(about_list) logging.debug('Set count to {}'.format(self.count)) for about in reversed(about_list[:self.count]): try: dsa_id = self.get_id_from_about(about) title = xmldoc.xpath( '//purl:item[@rdf:about="{}"]/purl:title/text()'.format( about), namespaces=nsmap)[0] message = '\n'.join((message, title)) except IndexError: break return message def reverse_list(self, about_list): ''' ''' pass def get_file(self): ''' Fetchs the security alerts from debian.org param 1: string returns: request object or false ''' url = 'https://www.debian.org/security/dsa-long' logging.debug('Try to fetch {}'.format(url)) http = urllib3.PoolManager() try: dsa_response = http.request('Get', url) return dsa_response except: logging.debug('{}: failed to fetch'.format(url)) return False def get_id_from_about(self, about): ''' Extracts the dsa id from tehe given string. param 1: string ''' logging.debug('About: {}'.format(about)) return int(about.split('/')[-1].split('-')[1])