#!/usr/bin/python3 # file: apistatusd.py # date: 26.07.2019 # mail: berhsi@web.de # Status server, listening for door status updates. The IPv4 address and port # to listen on are configurable, by default localhost:10001 is used. The # connection is secured by TLS and client side authentication. try: import json import logging import os import socket import ssl import sys import requests import threading from time import time, localtime, strftime, sleep import configparser except ImportException as e: print('Import error: {}'.format(e)) def certs_readable(config): ''' checks at start, if the needed certificates defined (no nullstring) and readable. param 1: dictionary return: boolean ''' for i in (config['server']['key'], config['server']['cert'], config['client']['cert']): if i == '' or os.access(i, os.R_OK) is False: logging.error('Cannot read {}'.format(i)) return False return True def print_config(config): ''' Logs the config with level debug. ''' logging.debug('Using config:') for section in config.sections(): logging.debug('Section {}'.format(section)) for i in config[section]: if i == 'token': logging.debug(' {}: {}'.format(i, 'aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-ddddd-eeeee')) else: logging.debug(' {}: {}'.format(i, config[section][i])) def print_ciphers(cipherlist): ''' Prints the list of allowed ciphers. param1: dictionary return: boolean ''' logging.debug('Available ciphers') for i in cipherlist: for j in i.keys(): if j in ('name', 'protocol'): logging.debug('{}: {}'.format(j, i[j])) def print_context(ctx): ''' Prints the ssl settings for the given ssl context. param1: context object ''' logging.debug('----------- context ----------------') logging.debug('Minimum version ssl: {}'.format(ctx.minimum_version)) logging.debug('Maximum version ssl: {}'.format(ctx.maximum_version)) logging.debug('SSL options enabled: {}'.format(ctx.options)) logging.debug('Protocol: {}'.format(ctx.protocol)) logging.debug('Verify flags certificates: {}'.format(ctx.verify_flags)) logging.debug('Verify mode: {}'.format(ctx.verify_mode)) print_ciphers(ctx.get_ciphers()) logging.debug('------------------------------------') def display_peercert(cert): ''' Displays the values of a given certificate. param1: dictionary or none ''' if cert == None: logging.debug('Peer does not offer a certificate') elif len(cert) == 0: logging.debug('Peer certificate was not valid') else: logging.debug('Peer certificate commonName: {}'.format( cert['subject'][5][0][1])) logging.debug('Peer certificate serialNumber: {}'.format( cert['serialNumber'])) logging.debug('Peer certificate notBefore: {}'.format( cert['notBefore'])) logging.debug('Peer certificate notAfter: {}'.format( cert['notAfter'])) def receive_buffer_is_valid(raw_data): ''' Checks validity of the received buffer contents. param 1: byte object return: boolean ''' if raw_data.decode('utf-8', 'strict') in ('0', '1'): logging.debug('Argument is valid: {}'.format(raw_data)) return True logging.debug('Argument is not valid: {}'.format(raw_data)) return False def change_status(status, timestamp, filename): ''' Write the new status together with a timestamp into the Space API JSON. param 1: byte object param 2: string return: boolean ''' logging.debug('Change status API') # todo: use walrus operator := when migrating to python >= 3.8 data = read_api(filename) if data is False: return False if os.access(filename, os.W_OK): logging.debug('API file is writable') with open(filename, 'w') as api_file: logging.debug('API file open successfull') data["state"]["open"] = status data["state"]["lastchange"] = timestamp try: json.dump(data, api_file, indent=4) except Exception as e: logging.error('Failed to change API file') logging.error('{}'.format(e)) return False logging.debug('API file changed') else: logging.error('API file is not writable. Wrong permissions?') return False logging.info('API file successfull changed to {}'.format(status)) return True def read_api(api): ''' Reads the Space API JSON into a dict. Returns the dict on success and False on failure. param 1: string return: dict or boolean ''' logging.debug('Open API file: {}'.format(api)) # return early if the API JSON cannot be read if not os.access(api, os.R_OK): logging.error('Failed to read API file') return False logging.debug('API is readable') with open(api, 'r') as api_file: logging.debug('API file successfully opened') try: api_json_data = json.load(api_file) logging.debug('API file read successfull') except Exception as e: logging.error('Failed to read API file: {}'.format(e)) return False return api_json_data def get_status_and_time(raw_data): ''' Create a timestamp, changes the value of the given byte into a string and returns both. param 1: byte object return: tuple (boolean, integer) ''' status = True if raw_data.decode('utf-8', 'strict') == '1' else False timestamp = int(str(time()).split('.')[0]) logging.debug('Set values for timestamp: {} and status: {}'.format( str(timestamp), str(status))) return (status, timestamp) def join_path(host, api): ''' Becomes two parts (host and api) of the mastodon url and concanate them param1: string param2: string return: string ''' url = '' try: if host[-1] == '/' and api[0] == '/': url = ''.join((host, api[1:])) elif host[-1] != '/' and api[0] != '/': url = '/'.join((host, api)) else: url = ''.join((host, api)) except TypeError as e: logging.error('CanĀ“t join path: {}'.format(e)) return url class Toot(threading.Thread): ''' The thread to toot the status to mastodon. ''' def __init__(self, status, timestamp, config): ''' param1: boolean param2: integer param3: dictionary ''' threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.status = status self.config = config self.timestamp = timestamp self.api = '/api/v1/statuses' self.auth = {'Authorization': ''} self.data = {'status': ''} self.url = '' def run(self): ''' return: boolean ''' timeformat = '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M Uhr' # check if status is valid if self.status not in (True, False): logging.error('Invalid status to toot') return False # convert seconds into timestring try: timestring = strftime(timeformat, localtime(self.timestamp)) except Exception as e: logging.error('Can not convert timestamp into timestring') return False # set status message if self.status == True: self.data['status'] = 'Krautspace is open since: {}'.format(timestring) elif self.status == False: self.data['status'] = 'Krautspace is closed since: {}'.format(timestring) logging.debug('Message: {}'.format(self.data['status'])) # build mastodon api url self.url = join_path(self.config['mastodon']['host'], self.api) # build authentcation header self.auth['Authorization'] = 'Bearer {}'.format( self.config['mastodon']['token']) # and finaly send request to mastodon try: logging.debug('Try to toot status') response = requests.post(self.url, data = self.data, headers = self.auth) if response.status_code == 200: logging.info('Toot successful send') return True else: logging.error('Failed to toot. Response: {}'.format(response.status_code)) except Exception as e: logging.error('Exception occurred: {}'.format(e)) return False def main(): ''' The main function - open a socket, create a ssl context, load certs and listen for connections. At SSL context we set only one available cipher suite and disable compression. OP_NO_COMPRESSION: prevention against CRIME attack OP_DONT_ISERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS: prevention agains CBC 4 attack (cve-2011-3389) ''' answer = '3'.encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') loglevel = logging.INFO formatstring = '%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format=formatstring, level=loglevel) default_config = { 'general': { 'timeout': 3.0, 'loglevel': 'info' }, 'server': { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 10001, 'cert': './certs/server.crt', 'key': './certs/server.key' }, 'client': { 'cert': './certs/client.crt' }, 'api': { 'api': './api', 'template': './api_template' }, 'mastodon': { 'send': 'false', 'host': 'localhost', 'token': 'aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-ddddd-eeeee' } } logging.info('Try to read config file') configfile = './apistatusd.conf' config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_dict(default_config) if not config.read(configfile): logging.warning('Configuration file %s not found or not readable. Using default values.', configfile) logger = logging.getLogger() if not config['general']['loglevel'] in ('critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug'): logging.warning('Invalid loglevel %s given. Using default level %s.', config['general']['loglevel'], default_config['general']['loglevel']) config.set('general', 'loglevel', default_config['general']['loglevel']) logging.info('Set loglevel to {}'.format(config['general']['loglevel'].upper())) logger.setLevel(config['general']['loglevel'].upper()) print_config(config) # todo: zertifikate sollten nur lesbar sein! if not certs_readable(config): logging.error('Cert check failed\nExit') sys.exit(1) context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL context.load_cert_chain(certfile=config['server']['cert'], keyfile=config['server']['key']) context.load_verify_locations(cafile=config['client']['cert']) context.options = ssl.OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE # ensure, compression is disabled (disabled by default anyway at the moment) context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION logging.debug('SSL context created') print_context(context) with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) as mySocket: logging.debug('Socket created') mySocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) keep = mySocket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE) logging.debug('Socket keepalive: {}'.format(keep)) try: mySocket.bind((config['server']['host'], int(config['server']['port']))) mySocket.listen(5) except Exception as e: logging.error('Unable to bind and listen') logging.error('{}'.format(e)) sys.exit(1) logging.info('Listening on {} at Port {}'.format(config['server']['host'], config['server']['port'])) while True: try: fromSocket, fromAddr = mySocket.accept() logging.info('Client connected: {}:{}'.format(fromAddr[0], fromAddr[1])) try: fromSocket.settimeout(float(config['general']['timeout'])) logging.debug('Connection timeout set to {}'.format( config['general']['timeout'])) except Exception: logging.error('Cannot set timeout to {}'.format( config['general']['timeout'])) try: conn = context.wrap_socket(fromSocket, server_side=True) conn.settimeout(float(config['general']['timeout'])) except socket.timeout: logging.error('Socket timeout') continue except Exception as e: logging.error('Connection failed: {}'.format(e)) continue logging.info('Connection established') try: cert = conn.getpeercert(binary_form=False) display_peercert(cert) except ValueError: logging.debug('SSL handshake has not been done yet') except Exception as e: logging.debug('Unexpected error: {}'.format(e)) raw_data = conn.recv(1) if receive_buffer_is_valid(raw_data) is True: status, timestamp = get_status_and_time(raw_data) if change_status(status, timestamp, config['api']['api']) is True: answer = raw_data if config['mastodon']['send'].lower() == 'true': logging.debug('Toot is set to true') try: toot_thread = Toot(status, timestamp, config) toot_thread.run() except InitException as e: logging.error('InitException: {}'.format(e)) except Exception as ex: logging.debug('Exception: {}'.format(ex)) else: logging.debug('Toot is set to false') if conn: logging.debug('Send {} back'.format(raw_data)) conn.send(answer) sleep(0.1) # protection against dos except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.info('Keyboard interrupt received') sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: logging.error('{}'.format(e)) continue return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': main()