#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # file: setstatus.py # date: 26.07.2019 # email: berhsi@web.de # client, who connects to the statusserver at port 10001 to update the krautspace # door status. If no status is given as argument, he reads from stdin until # input is 0 or 1. import socket import ssl from sys import exit, argv, byteorder def check_arguments(argv): ''' Checks length and validity of command line argument vectors. If there is no argument or argument is not valid, it returns None. Otherwise it converts the string value into a byte value. param 1: array of strings return: None or byte value ''' if len(argv) == 1: byte_value = None else: if argv[1].strip() == '0' or argv[1].strip() == '1': i = int(argv[1].strip()) print('Set value to {}'.format(i)) byte_value = bytes([i]) else: byte_value = None return byte_value def read_argument(): ''' Reads from stdin until the given value is valid. Convert the given string to a byte value and return this value. return: byte value ''' status = None while status == None: buf = input('Enter new status (0/1): ') if buf == '0' or buf == '1': status = bytes([int(buf)]) print('Read status: {}'.format(status)) return status def main(*status): HOST = 'localhost' PORT = 10001 SERVER_NAME = 'server.status.kraut.space' CLIENT_CERT = './certs/client.crt' CLIENT_KEY = './certs/client.key' SERVER_CERT = './certs/server.crt' BOM = byteorder STATUS = None RESPONSE = None if status: STATUS = status[0] STATUS = bytes([STATUS]) print('Status: {}'.format(STATUS)) else: if len(argv) == 1: STATUS = read_argument() else: STATUS = check_arguments(argv) if STATUS == None: STATUS = read_argument() context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile = SERVER_CERT) context.options &= ~ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL # context.set_ciphers('HIGHT:!aNULL:!RC4:!DSS') context.load_cert_chain(certfile = CLIENT_CERT, keyfile = CLIENT_KEY) print('SSL context created') with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) as mySocket: print('Socket created') try: conn = context.wrap_socket(mySocket, server_side = False, \ server_hostname = SERVER_NAME) print('Connection wrapped with ssl.context') conn.settimeout(5.0) except Exception as e: print('Context wrapper failed: [}'.format(e)) try: conn.connect((HOST, PORT)) print('Connection established: {}'.format(conn.getpeercert())) except socket.timeout: print('Connection timeout') except Exception as e: print('Connection failed: {}'.format(e)) exit(1) try: print('Send new status: {}'.format(STATUS)) conn.send(STATUS) except Exception as e: print('Error: {}'.format(e)) exit(2) try: RESPONSE = conn.recv(1) print('Server returns: {}'.format(RESPONSE)) if RESPONSE == STATUS: print('Status sucessfull updated') else: print('Failed to update status') print('Disconnect from server') except Exception as e: print('Error: {}'.format(e)) exit(3) if __name__ == '__main__': main()