% Copyright (c): % % Philipp Matthias Schäfer (philipp.matthias.schaefer@posteo.de), 2020 % % This file is part of the KrautStatus' Arduino code. % % The Clean CommonMark library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as % published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % The Clean CommonMark library is distributed in the hope that it will be % useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero % General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along % with the Clean CommonMark library. If not, see % . \documentclass[border=1mm]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \usepackage{circuitikz} \begin{document} \begin{circuitikz}[ chip/.style = { dipchip, hide numbers, no topmark, external pins width=0, num pins=14, }] \ctikzset{multipoles/dipchip/width=1.6} % Arduino MKR1000 \node [chip] (MKR1000) {}; % align=center enables line breaks in node text \node [align=center, rotate=90] at (MKR1000.center){Arduino\\MKR1000}; \draw (MKR1000.n) -- ++(0,1) node[vcc]{}; \draw (MKR1000.s) -- ++(0,-1) node[ground] {}; \node [right, font=\tiny] at (MKR1000.bpin 4) {0}; \node [left, font=\tiny] at (MKR1000.bpin 12) {VIN}; \node [left, font=\tiny] at (MKR1000.bpin 11) {A3}; \node [left, font=\tiny] at (MKR1000.bpin 10) {A4}; % Arduino MKR RGB Shield \node[chip, right=of MKR1000] (RGB) {}; % align=center enables line breaks in node text \node [align=center, rotate=90] at (RGB.center){Arduino\\MKR RGB Shield}; \draw (RGB.s) -- ++(0, -1) node[ground]{}; \node [right, font=\tiny] at (RGB.bpin 3) {VIN}; \node [right, font=\tiny] at (RGB.bpin 4) {A3}; \node [right, font=\tiny] at (RGB.bpin 5) {A4}; \draw (MKR1000.bpin 12) -- (RGB.bpin 3); \draw (MKR1000.bpin 11) -- (RGB.bpin 4); \draw (MKR1000.bpin 10) -- (RGB.bpin 5); % Reed switch \draw (MKR1000.bpin 4) -- ++(-1, 0) to [normal open switch, name=R] ++(0, -2.96) node[ground]{}; \node [rotate=90, above] at (R) {Reed Switch}; \end{circuitikz} \end{document}